Kyou's War - King's Power

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-Genyuu Pass, Zelda-

For the Fae Elder, leaving Kanyou was a simple matter. He could scale walls quickly and the soldiers scattered across the city were too shocked by the sudden appearance of a giant wooden spider being ridden by a young girl to react in time. Zelda could do nothing but hold on tight as she could as the Fae traversed the top of buildings, up walls, and back down. She could breathe easily again and loosen her grip once they were traversing the open field.

Ahead in the distance, it was as Zelda feared. Ryo's chosen general was much more skilled than Ketsu's. While Zelda did not know of Ouki's game with them, she knew Ryo would have the overwhelming advantage. Ryo's general was reported to be one of the few men in all of Qin who could fight Ouki in a contest of strength; and this was but one of Ryo's assets. The Chancellor surrounded himself in powerful tools and champions of all fields. Ketsu... did not.

Ketsu's army was forced back into a full retreat from Genyuu Pass, and Ryo's army was giving chase. It was a small army made up of horsemen that gave chase, as the Pass forced the army to funnel through.

"Go right in between them!" Zelda yelled. "We have to stop them!"

Elder chuckled. "You want to fly directly between two clashing armies? You sure that is wise?"

"Perhaps not, but until all sides are stopped this won't be over. Kyou has been removed from the throne, but Ketsu is the source of the problem. I don't know what Kyou would have been like without Ketsu, but I do know he is partially how he is from Ketsu's whispering and tutelage. Kyou was the puppet, and the most obvious problem, but he was incompetent. Ketsu is the one pulling the strings and has most likely been the one to do the things Kyou will inherit responsibility for."

"What do you mean?"

"Does that child strike you as the type to know how to employ armies? To know where to send them, what tactics to use, what their objective is and how to accomplish it? Kyou's desire, knowledge, and ambition are narrow and direct. He wants the throne, and so long as he sits on it then details mean nothing to him. He knows nothing about managing anything, giving specific orders. The kid barely knows the geography of Qin. I greatly doubt Kyou has ordered most of what Ketsu has done in his name, but lets his 'teacher' use his princely power freely because Ketsu ensures he sits on the throne."

Zelda sighed. "I pity Kyou. He had the power of a king, and rather than use it responsibly, he gave it all to that man. Now all of Ketsu's actions will be on my brother's head."

"Then are we to kill Ketsu here and now?"

"No. Ganon spoke of a 'show of power'. It's a bit outside of context, but Ketsu's treason is worthy of public execution." Zelda pulled her bow from her back and prepared an arrow. Elder slowed his pace ever so slightly. She carefully stood. "Ketsu will be the man in the caravan box. Can you capture him?"

"I can. Ready yourself, Princess."

Elder sped toward the gap between the two armies. The horsemen of Ryo were closing in with Ketsu's back flank of soldiers. Zelda saw a number of Fae leave Elder's wooden form and swim in the ground at their feet. Immediately the ground around them shook violently. Zelda briefly closed her eyes to pray.

It would be close, but she had faith. Something she had been taught is that all authority is passed down from the gods. That all leaders are there for a purpose, and that they have power over man because the Goddesses wish it.

Zelda was here for a purpose. She had to believe in that. Otherwise... what was the point? Was it Nayru's will that she retake the throne? Was she to be the champion of Naryu from her dream? Zelda did not know the answer, but she wanted to place one last gamble. This time she wouldn't gamble with other people's lives, but on her Goddess alone. If Naryu will it, then Zelda would win. But if it were Nayru's will, then failure in this final moment would result in Zelda being torn apart in between the teeth of two entire armies.

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