Ryo's War - Link's Second Rival

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-Xianyang, Link-

Link passed through the halls of the Xianyang castle and barged his way into an office. Inside, Ouhon was already present and standing before the desk of a military officer. On top of the desk was the helmet of a former Lorule commander. The officer stood to berate Link for his rudeness, but Link beat him to it by slamming a Lorule helmet of his own next to Ouhon's.

"The commander of a one-hundred-man unit," Link declared. "Captured, tied up, and ready for whatever. Along with his advisors."

"Good job, Link," the officer commended him, "but as you can see, Ouhon was just presenting his own prize."

Link grinned. "I know." Ouhon's eye twitched, though he kept a straight face pointed ahead.

The officer looked between them. He sighed, "I swear, you two..."

Ever since Ouhon had arrived and Link showed him up, the fortress of Xianyang had been abuzz with their rivalry. Ouhon's unit was powerful, could shatter defenses, and was swift. Conversely, Link's unit relied on unusual tactics and, the rumor was, unusual powers of their elite. Every victory Link gained, Ouhon would gain one soon after. This was followed by Link gaining another one and so on. It hadn't been long into the rivalry, and they were still tied. It had reached such fervor that the other units stepped back and made bets. Most bet Ouhon would win, but there was a surprising number silently cheering Link on.

"I will send word for merit and portions to be provided for your prizes," The officer said robotically, as if having already said it a hundred times that day alone. Especially with these two, he thought. "I also believe it is time you two took a break."

"Pardon, sir?" Ouhon asked.

"You two have been hard pressed at it. I can see you both wish to rise through the ranks quickly, and it helps that you are both so effective. You are a true blessing, as stretched as our forces are. We are barely managing to hold the border without a proper general stationed here, and you two are a big part of that success."

"We have lost a lot of units..." Link said.

"And defeated just as many," The officer replied. "The Lorule are starting to feel it, and from what I see, they are slowing down. Our forces have defeated so many officers that they are having to train more."

"Why do I hear a 'but' coming, Sir?" Ouhon asked, ever polite.

"But you are carrying so much weight that our normal forces are starting to scatter to other battlefields or become reserves. We need the units we have here to stay and remain active. In addition, I don't even have to look at your men to know they are tired. You both are running your men ragged."

Link grimaced. "My men have been complaining more and more despite the victories."

Ouhon scoffed. "They lack discipline."

The officer looked to Ouhon. "Your men have been petitioning for a break too, Lord Mitagi."

"What!?" Ouhon gasped, his composure finally breaking. Link laughed mockingly, incurring the officer to glare at him. Ouhon cleared his throat. "I will take your recommendation to heart, Sir. Some time in the barracks and rest will do the men some good."

"We can stay in the barracks?" Link wondered.

"Yes... you can," Ouhon whispered.

The officer nodded. "Then with that understood, I will move other units to our active force. The kitchens and barracks are open for your use."

"We get a kitchen too!?" Link gasped.

"With chefs," The officer clarified.

Ouhon saluted, turned crisply, and marched out. Link was already out the door.

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