Dragmire's War - Truth of the Dragmire

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-Ganondorf Dragmire-

For what seemed to be the longest moment, they all stared at each other. Harken Dragmire stood against Solitare Sheikah, Ganondorf Dragmire, and Link. No one moved. Harken adjusted his grip on his massive black sword and locked his eyes with Ganondorf. Ganondorf breathed in and out, keeping his rage carefully on the edge between powerful and controlled. Solitare lowered his presence as best he could and virtually disappeared out of thin air. Link's triangle lit up as he called on what power he could, causing the world to seemingly slow to a crawl for him.

Harken's eyes briefly glanced over on seeing the light on Link's hand. And an eyebrow raised itself.

"Interesting," Harken said, knowingly. "How very interesting you two should share company, Ganondorf."

"I take it you know me."

"I should say I do. I was there when you were born. I recognized you by your mark on your hand. It is identical to his." Harken nodded his head in Link's direction.

Link grit his teeth angrily and charged in. "Don't you ignor-"

Harken spun, lowered himself to be at eyelevel to Link, and looked into his eyes with his Dragmire red ones. It was so fast Link was left stunned. Even with his power making the world seem to slow down for him, the man had moved almost instantaneously. Link could not keep up with it.

All he could think was, 'How?' How was it possible for a man to move this quickly?

Harken spun his blade upwards to cut Link. Link managed to reverse his momentum and bring his sword up to block it, but even catching the very edge of the blade against his own, while absorbing it into his chest, felt like he was being slammed with an anvil. Link was thrown into the air and into the rock. His bones rattled and his teeth shook on the impact. Link crumbled to the ground with all the grace of a semi-conscious noodle.

"Link!" The unit called out in surprise.

At the same moment, Solitare reappeared at Harken's legs and swiped at him. Harken leaped into the air over him, spun backwards, reached out, grabbed Solitare by the head, and slammed him into the ground. It was as if Solitare's tricks and distractions had no effect on him.

Harken pressed down to crush Solitare's skull, and the boy cried out in pain, but Ganon had managed to step in and make a wide swipe at Harken. The man had to release the boy and raise his blade with both hands to block it, and even then Harken was forced to take a step back. Kagami followed up his master's attacks with trying to bite at the man, but Harken swiped at the wolf and the wolf wisely retreated back.

It had lasted all of two seconds and already two of the unit's strongest were stunned and injured.

"Stay back! None of you can fight him!" Ganondorf roared. "Call for help! Get those two back!" He looked to Kagami. "That goes for you too."

Kagami growled and barred his teeth at Harken. Ganon repeated, "Stay back! You can do nothing!"

The peasant army hesitated, but snapped out of it as he repeated himself, and they moved Link and Solitare to a semi-safe distance. Link resisted and struggled, not wanting to be pulled back, but nor could he move well. His legs were wobbly and his head shook. A few men ran a far distance around to call for Matsubi and his unit. Kagami continued to growl furiously at Harken, but obeyed his master and retreated.

"Tell me, Ganondorf. How developed is your mark? How far has it grown?"

"I'll show you how far it's grown!" Ganondorf roared.

Again and again Ganondorf struck at Harken, throwing all care to the wind and using all of the strength and speed he could muster. Ganondorf was angry. He had been too late to stop this man from killing some of the unit. Ganondorf did not have friendship with them, nor did he see them as individuals, but he saw them as his responsibility to a degree. They may be Link's unit, but Ganondorf also saw them as his, and he didn't like his stuff being touched. Ganondorf was greedy and selfish like that.

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