Kyou's War - Aftermath

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-Kanyou Palace, Zelda-

Zelda awoke to find herself on the throne. The sky was still dark and from the uproar outside, the celebration was ongoing. Her neck ached horribly and felt stiff. Her muscles felt like iron rods had been shoved into them. Stiffly, she straightened, stood, and stretched. She felt a pop in her spine ripple through her body, and she sighed in relief.

The throne room was empty and dormant and dark. The candles were reduced to thin smoke and the moon had shut its eye. While Zelda did not relish companionship, she felt a sudden need to leave. The room was too dark.

She left the palace and walked the walls lining it. Down below the factions that celebrated victory, or merely surviving, had died down greatly. Most had fallen asleep, but remnants still drank what little was left, ate, and talked. The stores of food and drink were from her coffers, but she did not mind. It was a small price to pay and they deserved it.

To her surprise she found Link sitting on the edge. At first, she considered walking by and ignoring him, but she changed her mind. Despite her name-calling, he wasn't as bad as she thought. He was loyal to a fault. And there was something about his simplicity that made her feel safe with him. Or perhaps it wasn't so much simplicity so much as it was honesty. She knew exactly where she stood with him and didn't have to fear him being double-tongued.

"Hey, Princess." Link greeted. "Care to join me?" He patted the stone next to him.

And of course, he didn't treat her any differently from anyone else. A part of her felt reviled and insulted by it, but she knew this side was merely one of pride. The rest of her appreciated it. He saw her as something no one else did: a person.

"I'm content. The stone looks uncomfortable." She replied.

"Suit yourself. I'm surprised you woke so soon. It was only a few hours."

"Don't be deceived, I'm still exhausted. I plan to sleep in my bed. I only awoke so early because..." she grimaced. "A throne isn't designed for sitting."

"I knew you were like an old lady! Want me to get you some cushions?" He jabbed.

"Shut up, monkey."

Link laughed, and Zelda allowed herself to smirk in amusement as well.

"How long do you plan on staying?" Zelda wondered.

"Only until I know the old village has returned home." He answered. "I'll talk with someone about my reward, you don't have to deal with it. I imagine you have enough on your plate right now."

"How courteous of you..." She looked at him sideways. "Almost too courteous. What's your angle?"

"No angle. I think you could just say you're not quite what I believed." He smiled and leaned his head back to look up at her. "You're not as much an Ice Witch as rumor said, nor are you as pampered as I thought royalty was. You are stronger inside than anyone thought. You consider so many angles and things I would never think of, and you balance decisions I hope I never have to. Decisions that apparently can oftentimes go wrong no matter which one you choose. And what's more, you care about the consequences of them. You care about the people."

Link shrugged. "I hated you, and a part of me still does. But it isn't you I who hate anymore, it's the choice you made. Midna died because of it... but what would have been the end of the other choice? Midna might still be alive, but Qin would be destroyed as we know it. I got my revenge. Kyou is defeated. That's enough for me."

Zelda could only stare at him as he talked. Try as she might, she was moved by the open honesty of his words. "It is... comforting to hear that." She said honestly. She quickly added, "perspective is always good to receive. Even if it comes from such a lowly slave."

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