Kyou's War - Cycle of War

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-Majora's Mountain-

When Zelda had heard of the Majora as a mountain tribe, her expectations were for a loose collection of huts amidst unforgiving landscape, rocks and rocky soil, and weeds and tangled shrubbery. Instead, as they walked the narrow path around the edge of the towering mountain, Zelda's eyes landed on an isolated paradise with wonders of its own.

The Majora's village was not a mere collection of shabby huts, but an organized and carved puzzle of rock buildings carved out of the side of the mountain, enough of which to compete with any large city of Qin in volume. It had the technology of pulleys and bridges to traverse the levels, not only vertically, but between nearby mountains at the points where the two peaks were closest. A river seemed to defy the laws of the universe by flowing down from an elusive point down towards a valley nestled in the curve of Majora's mountain. Within this river and valley was a well thought out combination of dams, river canals, a water-run treadmill, and farmland. It was limited so far as the size of farms goes, but it was fed richly by the mountain river. Zelda followed the river with her eyes and found it seemed to start from a very distant set of snow mountains far in the distance, and the water was directed this way with some sort of bridge. One building in the village stood out as being larger than the others, as large as any noble estate house in Kanyou, and looked to be furnished richly in strong wood painted red and bronze.

The Majora was no mere tribe of barbarians, they were a small nation as advanced as any other and were nestled into a natural fortress. Any fortress of Qin would pay dearly for a natural defense like what this mountain offered, and the Majora not only possessed it... they utilized it well.

Zelda was caught off guard by all she saw. Politely, her armed escort stopped and let her take in the sight. It was scary, and a little humbling, to think a miniature nation so advanced and strong would exist within the borders of Qin.

The escort led her to the largest building.

It looked to be a public eating place from the long tables. On all sides sitting at the tables were Majora. The head table before her had a wooden throne. At the head, were two elderly women, and at the center was a man. Just beneath the tables were an assortment of tame wolves, with the largest sitting next to Majora's king.

The king wore a fur cloak with the head of a large bear still on it. Under this cloak was a set of leather armor, but most striking were his metal gauntlets. They shone like gold and ended in sharp claws. Like all Majora, he wore a mask.

Zelda sat on her knees in a gesture of humility. "I am the 41st ruler of Qin, Heir Apparent Zelda."

"I am Ganondorf Dragmire, king of Majora." His voice was grated and unnaturally sinister.

'The mask is doing something to his voice.' Zelda thought.

There was silence for a time. The greeting of kings was little more than empty formality while the two measured each other up.

"Tell me, king of Qin." Ganondorf started in the language of Qin, "Why do you call yourself 'Heir Apparent'? Are you not king?"

Zelda answered, "I do not know how you have it established, but in Qin, each leader is king. Their children are princes and princesses, the first being male and the latter female. One who can be eligible for the throne is the 'heir', and the highest heir that will be  chosen for the throne in the case there are multiple heirs is 'heir apparent'."

"So you are a leader without a throne."

"Correct. I will fully come into possession of the throne when I am old enough. Until then, I am a leader, but can be legally replaced if one proves himself or herself to be more worthy."

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