World Building: Fae

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-Matter of Fae-

Fae, the Firstborn, children of Farore, the Caretakers.

They are a species as alien to man, which they refer to as 'huma', as any race could ever hope to be. Fun loving and mockish, yet wise. Aloof and apathedic yet dutiful and prideful. While the Goron, Zora, and other species and children of Farore, Din, and Naryu can claim to have "mortal needs", the Fae are entirely outside of these needs, creating a very mythical and almost holy identity. They do not eat, drink, reproduce through intercource, suffer weather conditions, and do not produce any form of bodily waste that we know of. All species, even the Goron, have one of these conditions of mortality and the fact the Fae do not suffer one of them has made them as alien to mortal understanding as the dieties themselves.

The first and foremost thing to understand for all of this to be clear is that Fae do not have flesh. They are beings entirily of spirit and light. There is no skin, no blood, no stomach with which to digest or any other organs of any kind, no hair, no face, and all other features associated with mortal races and their ability to establish identity or physical difference. With no organs with which to provide purpose or need, such as how sexual organs create needs in lust or a stomach creates a need in hunger, then conserns are different with these beings.

Without hands or skin, I would think it would mean they would be incapable of interaction with mortals or the physical realm, as hands and skin is the means by which mortals interact, but the Fae were given different means tied to a divine purpose. Without flesh, they enter into the world as a fish takes to water. They swim through earth, dance through air, and fly through water without being effected, and in reverse, can extend the reach of their soul into any object they are within to manipulate it. It could very well be that the light through which we perceive them is just another form of air manipulation so as to establish the most basic form of communication in recognition that they are in our presence. Fae are regurally manipulating forms, they call 'shells', of earth, water, wood, hard light, and miniature tornado so as to further increase their interaction with others. (There are rumors that some have event used Shells of hot lava and rock.) This is probably akin to a diety lowering herself to our mortal level to speak, as a parent would lower herself to a child.

There are a few known elements, though, that have been known to affect Fae differently. The most dangerous is any touch of 'Twilight'. Due to the origins of the Fae, Twilight is akin to poison in their soul and quickly kills them from the faintest touch. The second is fire. Din had gone to war with the Fae and either created fire, or reshaped fire, with the intent of it doing them harm. Since then, the Fae see fire as predatory and dangerous. Fire wounds them horribly and extended exposure will kill them. Taking fire further, other elements affected by flame gains the 'property' of being able to directly touch the Fae. This touch is rarely harmful, short of the finest knives, but can act as 'physical barriers' to them as they would other mortals. These physical barriers include shaped glass and shaped metal heated in an intense furnace. Natural glass and natural metals have no effect on them. It is these elements which the Fae cannot manipulate and are wary of.

The last element by which they can be directly interacted with is that of spirit. As Fae explain: "Every child of Farore, Naryu, or Din has an innate spirit within your 'flesh shells'. We are without the 'flesh shells' you possess, but you have 'spirit flesh' as we do." Due to this, physical contact between human and Fae is possible, as well as any other sentient race. However this is seen as harmful as a byproduct of extended exposure leads to the 'spirit flesh' merging together and the two spirit identities entering a rapid succession of tearing one another apart while merging deeper until finally either both die or they become a singular being. Brief exposure is accepted at rare occassion and might be like a slap or brief shock to them, but it should still be taken with extreme caution.

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