Zant's War - Dragmire's Hope

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-Joket, Ganondorf Dragmire-

Ganon felt his blood run cold and his heart froze in his chest. His breath caught in his lungs and his world briefly spun. To an extent, it was.

All his life he believed he was the last Dragmire. He had been adopted by the Majora and proved himself strong enough to become their king, but he had never taken on the Majora name. He was always Ganondorf Dragmire, never Ganondorf Majora. There was no persecution in it, it was simply accepted as fact that he was the last.

He remembered the anger, the fury that boiled in his veins so many years. If he had been given the opportunity a few years back, he would have gone to war with Qin and reaped blood tenfold and poured his hate on the plainspeople.

But he was not the last Dragmire, not anymore.

Ganon's legs became as jelly and he stumbled into a table. He held himself on it to steady himself, and to focus on steadying his breathing. All he heard was the crashing of his entire reality around his ears. The shattering of glass, and he felt he would fall into the cracks in that glass with the gentlest shove.

Kuroko Dragmire's defensiveness melted a bit, but she still kept a distance. She was surprised he would not know, and it surprised her how strong his reaction was. Whether this meant to be sympathetic, or extra defensive, she was unsure. "I take it you were not expecting to hear that?"

"How can one be? Just as one can be broken by tragedy, one's tragedy can be broken by fortune." He put his head in his hands. "I know my appearance is fearsome, but I mean no harm. I only wanted answers..."

"Did you get them?"

"Yes... but not in ways I imagined. Or perhaps dimly knew, yet hoped against. Now all I am left with is more questions." He calmed himself and looked at her. "How did you survive? How many others of our clan are there? What are your reasons for seeing me as hostile?"

The woman sighed, "I must apologize for that... the Dragmire have a poor reputation... even amongst each other."

"So there are more?!" Dragmire exclaimed earnestly.

Kuroko did not answer at first. She pulled out a chair and sat across from him. They had no need for candle light, but she lit one anyway. The room was richly red with their hair and candle illuminating the room.

She put her hands together in thought, and asked, "How much do you know about the Dragmire?"

Ganondorf tore through his memories. His mothers had taught him he was a Dragmire, and that power was his birthright. He believed himself to be the last until now. It was a fact his mother's beat down on him... his status as the last. They wanted him to feel the burden of his ancestors.

But what about the Dragmire did he actually know?

"Nothing." Was his answer.

"I thought as much." She sighed. She ran her hand through her hair. "I'll tell you what I know. The Dragmire were a tribe brought from the desert and were among the mightiest in King Shorlin's war. Our only equals was the Mitagi clan and the Fae. We three formed the strength of Qin in its conquest. Ironically, perhaps it was divine providence... since the Mitagi follow Naryu. The Fae are children of Farore. And the Dragmire were once bestowed power from Din."

"Once?" Ganondorf questioned. "What changed it?"

She nodded gravely. "It was shortly after the king's death, and his son took the throne. There was a political shift in the Dragmire. Having been uprooted from their home and moved to Qin, the elders claimed we had lost our way. They said worshipping the Qin's goddess, Din, was blasphemy. At the same time the king's son applied more pressure for us to be stronger than ever." She hesitated. "Our elders turned to demon worship."

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