Zant's War - Nightmares

50 11 7

-Kanyou, Country of Qin-


Feminine hands.

Beautiful feminine hands.

Grasping, beautiful feminine hands.

Choking, grasping, beautiful feminine hands.

A voice cried out in the darkness even as the hands grasped at her, "What is wrong with you!? Can you feel no pain?! Stop looking at me with those eyes! Stop it! You have his eyes! I hate those eyes!"

Zelda released a blood curling scream. Frantically, she reached for her throat to release the hands, but her hands were tied down. Her body was tied down and held down by so many hands.

"Princess, stop!" A high pitched voice yelled.

Zelda blinked to find herself wrapped tightly in blankets. Some of the blankets had reached her neck, choking her, and her hands were tight at her side within the quilts. Her Fae servant flew into the bed and threw Zelda around the bed while unraveling her from her cocoon. The moment Zelda was freed she leaped from the bed and stood on her own. Even her clothes felt confining with sweat binding it to her skin. She quickly changed into clothes that were not soaked in sweat.

The Fae flew into her clothing. "Princess! Are you well?! You were hollering and-"

"I'm fine, Tetsu," Zelda cut her off. She had inquired for the Fae's name, but it gave her something that was impossible to say with a human tongue. She dubbed the Fae 'Tetsu'.

"No, you're not!"

"Then settle for 'I don't want to talk about it'," Zelda whispered harshly. "Now drop it. I'm awake. I'm done sleeping."

Even as she said that she swayed a bit. Zelda knew she was being stubborn, but what else could she be? This had been going on every night. Every night a beautiful woman is either waiting for her in her room or is presented to her after Zelda has retired to her room. Every night Zelda has nightmares and remembers things she would prefer forgetting.

The only option was to endure the nightmares and figure out who was sending her the girls every night!

Thankfully, Zelda's initiative the days following her return to the throne had spurred the ministers into action. Most things were taken care of or in the process of. Reida had been sent home yesterday. Zelda wished to engage her in further conversation and get to know the girl more, but this was a delicate time between them. Ketsu had been publicly executed, torn into pieces, and his carcass was thrown to the wasteland. It was a short event Zelda had to preside over and witness. Thankfully, she did not have to speak. The sooner he was dealt with, the better.

All of his possessions passed into Zelda's hands, save for a portion Qin gave over to Majora. Overall, she was pleased with this. She gained a great deal of land, rid herself of an enemy, restored security to Qin, and established positive relations with a small neighboring nation. She had yet to appoint governors over the land she had gained, but she had time before it would be necessary. It was a win for everyone and she finally had room to breathe.

Zelda entered the throne room, and the highest-ranking minister present approached the throne. In Ryo's absence, and Ketsu's death, they were short on Chancellors.

"What do you have to report this morning?" Zelda asked.

"My highness, there is much good news!" The man bowed. "The ministers and governors across Qin have begun to send tribute to your royal highness as a show of loyalty."

The tribute was a political card and was considered tradition. Ahbdan had said to receive tribute regularly would help them know who was loyal. It was a form of tax where cities sought to impress her and gain her attention by giving.

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