Zant's War - Reward and Punishment

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So it was the night passed into day and it was well into the following evening that Zelda rose. She searched urgently for the doctors and secretly looked to the wounded. Upon finding Sarah and Link well and talking as if they were old friends she was relieved. The palace sent a message to Chancellor Impa, and Impa went to her.

The two embraced and Impa questioned her, "Who is she to you?" Zelda told her and Impa was amazed the princess had allowed any girl from her Royal Harem to attend her, though it was still non-sexual.

Impa questioned her, "Who is the boy to you?" Zelda told her and Impa was amazed the princess had a friend and ally in a former slave, and she marvelled at the things the boy did. Now that she remembered when she had first met Link, she found herself further amazed, considering her first impression of him was less than polite. She wanted to kill the boy for laying violent hands on Zelda, Zelda calmed her.

Once more Impa questioned her, this time regarding Ganondorf Dragmire.

Sensing hostility, Zelda asked, "You do not trust him?"

"He is a Dragmire. You would do well to be cautious of them. The strife and discord brought by their rebellion weakened Qin greatly. It was this weakness that led to your father's capture in his visit, all of Qin held at ransom, and subsequently invaded in the battle of Chouhei..."

Zelda's composure darkened hearing of Chouhei. "And the Dragmires set it in motion?" Impa nodded. "Then it is good they are dead, but I see no reason to hold Ganondorf accountable to the sins of his family."

"Despite the blood of demon-worshipping rebels flowing in his veins?"

"Despite that, yes. Or should I be held accountable for the sins of the Ki family? Kei Ki tells me he is my uncle."

Impa sighed. "I had hoped he would not say that."

"So is it also true the Ki family has secret dealings with the Sheikah or Royal Family?"

"... Yes. But Zelda the dealings of the Ki is prevailed by the blood of your father. You have nothing and no one to be accountable for."

Zelda trembled in rage. She was not angry at Impa, but the subject was a volatile one. "Then why is it I feel my mother in my veins? Why do I see her in my face, in my appearance? Why must I hear compliments that I resemble her?"

"Because you inherited the one thing you despise about her the most: her beauty. Now, I see I am troubling you, so I shall leave it be. If you see Ganondorf Dragmire of the Majora to be a worthy ally, I shall not overstep myself."

Zelda nodded, unable to form words. Talking of her family left her feeling empty and furious. When Zelda was composed once more, she said "Now that you know of them, you should know they should be awarded."

"Agreed. They did well in standing by you, and for that I am grateful."

So they called for them in private. Zelda called for Sarah and said, "You were with me in the face of death and shielded me with yourself. On behalf of Qin, you should be awarded. What would you ask of me?"

Sarah answered, "High Princess, I would ask only to be allowed to be by your side."

This stunned Zelda. She found herself smilingly a tiny bit, which for her was equivalent to jumping in joy. "Then you may. I shall consider you my favourite among the Royal Harem, and I will see to it you are protected there."

They called for Link, and Zelda inquired of his injuries. He seemed well, but something weighed on his mind heavily. Zelda said, "You came to my side without obligation and acted as my sword and shield. Without you, I would be dead. I wish to reward you on behalf of Qin. What would you ask of me?"

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