Kyou's War - Bloody Throne

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Ganon made his way to the front of the temple by the large doors. He peered out the stain glass windows. The last of the army entered the temple; the Fae took form using whatever wood they could find. The group gathered at the front of the temple. A few Fae flew into the ceiling and returned a minute later.

"Princess," Elder said. "My Fae report that armies of man have clashed at a very large stone wall to the east."

"Do they know who leads them?" She asked.

Elder shook his head. "My Fae only rose high enough to see from a distance."

"Thank you, Elder." She said. "Chancellor Ryo must be attacking with General Moubu. I can't imagine anyone else would at the moment. He's the only man with the ability to form an army this quickly and with the ambition for the throne. Ketsu won't last long."

Ganon muttered. "Let us take the throne before he does, then. If there is an army he is fighting, he will be slowed. Did your Fae say how large the armies were?"


Zelda said, "Can you send one back to ensure our forces outside the walls avoid them?"

"No need. I left a capable woman in charge." Ganon interrupted. He took a step back and pointed. "Is that the palace? That large structure?"

"Yes," Zelda said. She looked out the window. "Wha-what?! Where's the Sheikah manor? Why is there so much smoke from the estate?! "

Ganon replied dispassionately, "Nothing for us to be concerned with. Everyone! Prepare yourselves! Remember the plan! The moment we leave these doors, don your mask, and revel in the fury of Majora!" He repeated it in his language.

Link looked at the mask in his hands and the sword on his hip. He was a slave fighting over who owned a kingdom. That was not his goal at first. At first, it was only about Midna. His friend was murdered and he wanted revenge. Link didn't know if he had it in himself to kill, but he would fight anyway. Was Zelda better than Kyou? Link didn't know the answer to that question. He didn't care either way. What made him side with Zelda, though, was that she wasn't the one who started this whole thing. She was defending herself and trying to stop a civil war. Did her methodology of spilling blood in the capital today bother him? Yes. But what Zelda said before was right. She couldn't just walk up and ask for it nicely.

Zelda took a deep breath. Her motivation was clear to her. She had ambition. She had a home. She had an identity. Her half-brother was trying to take all of that away from her, and he was throwing the country into chaos to do it. She wasn't going to sit and let it happen. Kyou wanted blood? He would get it.

Ganondorf Dragmire gripped his two swords in each hand. His reason to fight returned anew since he had seen things this day. He had never imagined plains so large, and that he could walk on them. He had never seen a city so large, or think he could touch it. It only made him more curious about what the world had to offer. He wanted his ancestor's wish to be granted, but more than that he wanted the world! He wanted to hold it in his hand, to experience it, to taste it, feel it, and see it! He wanted a fight that would make his blood pump rather than bore him. He wanted to be free of the mountains, free of the cage holding him back.

Ganon shoved the double door wide and they ran out.

Link put on the mask. Immediately he felt something come over him: a need, a desire. He needed to be quiet. It was against his nature, but he needed to blend in. He needed to be hidden. He had to be a fish among a river of people flowing in one direction, not an obstacle to break it. Zelda and the other Qin donned the mask and felt the same sensations Link felt. The two naturally merged into the mass of men and women running through the street. Almost immediately the first of three gates holding them back from the palace was in view. Here they would leave the civilian sector and the fight would begin against the loyalists.

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