Majora's War - White Flame

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From the moment Ganondorf took on the leader of the Twilight, Link understood instinctively what Ganon wanted from him. Ganon had once taken on the minions of Zant to allow Link to get to Zelda. Now Ganon wanted the reversal, to take on the pale-skinned man and leave the minions to him. So as Ganon threw his full weight and fury into the pale-skinned one and left them behind, Link rushed in, grabbed the woman in the confusion, dragged her into the house, and dropped her in a sturdy corner.

She put up a very mild fight at first, but quickly stopped and huddled in the corner when the situation became clear. The Twilight bared their fangs and claws at the young man, and the young man held a glaive spear at the ready while keeping his back to her.

"Hey, how's it going?" Link wondered.

"I-who-wha?" The woman stumbled over herself. A huge crashing sound exploded nearby and the earth shook as a tree fell beside the house.

Link chuckled and glanced back at her with a reassuring smile. "I'm Link. The big guy back there you probably know." Link's head spun around looking around the building. "Is this where Grumpy-Dick's been? Huh. Not what I would have expected. A little trashed but-"

One of the Twilight entered the house and tried to pounce on them, but Link swiped his glaive'd spear across its body, cutting it deep and causing the area around the cut to burst into blueish flames. The creature survived, barely, and scurried away screaming in pain before being pounced on by its comrades and eaten alive.

An explosion of fire in the distance sharply drew their attention and the building shook beneath their feet. The woman stumbled. She gaped at the power thrown in the distant forest.

"Y-you know him?" She asked.

"Who? Ganon?" The woman nodded. Link nodded. "Yep!"


"I-uh..." Link blanked. His mind rushed through memories and events and he wasn't sure how to explain it indepth. "You want the short of it? He tried to kill me. I threw a rock. He lost his shit. I broke him out of jail... k-kinda? Not sure if it counts. Turns out we are related. -um- When there are three sisters who have children, the children are cousins to each other, right?"

The woman stared at him, blankly. Slowly her face fell condescendingly.

"I'm not lying!" Link protested. "Its just... complicated."

Again the earth shook. The Twilight creatures stirred worringly around them, unsure what to do and tense. They bit at each other and glared hatefully at Link. "Din... he really isn't holding back." Link whispered.

The largest creature of the Twilight stepped into view. Link saw on its sides were many liquid sacs. He gripped his spear tighter and adjusted his stance. Would this larger beast come at them? It would be difficult to keep the woman safe if he had to deal with the smaller ones and the large one at the same time.

"There!" The woman suddenly pointed at the creature. "That thing has Malon! It has my daughter!"

"Malon?!" Link gasped. Now that she mentioned it, it did look like there was a human shape curled up inside one of the sacks.

The large one turned its beady eyes on them. Its eyes seemed to slit angrily on seeing Link. A moment later its neck swelled, then its chest, and along with the swelling was a building up glow. "Oh... shit." Link mumbled.

A large plume of liquid fire vomited out from its mouth over them. The woman screamed in agony and fell dieing a slow death. Link grit his teeth and fell to his knees. He had been burned before, but never with something akin to liquid fire. It was a searing, all encompossing, piercing and intense burn he had never felt before. The salt-water treatment he had been tortured with by the Zora was the closest comparison he could latch onto, but even that was a pale candle compared to whatever this was that covered his body. Before his very eyes, his flesh melted off and on looking at his left hand, bone revealed itself as muscle and flesh and blood hung off its frame. His every inch, his every nerve, screamed in his mind as an orchestra of agony and torment. His vision blurred with intoxicating smells and mind-numbing agony. His muscles lost strength as his mind lessened and the fibers fell from his bones. Link fell onto his side.

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