Zant's War - Palace Grove

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-Two days later-

Zelda collapsed in a chair. The birds chirped happily and the lake at her feet was still. The only movement was small fish that tickled her feet and probed her for crumbs, only to be disappointed. A servant brought her some food and Zelda looked at it hungrily, but there was too much on her mind for her to feel like touching it yet.

"A princess should eat." A voice said.

The water came alive under her feet and rose. At the core of it was a Fae. Mysteriously the water stood as a man, walked as a man, sat with her as a man, and was entirely solid as ice, yet was water. Zelda recognized the voice.

"I was wondering where you were," Zelda mumbled tiredly.

"I was here, enjoying your lake. Its beauty is a wonderful attempt to mimic my grove, but lacked... harmony." Elder said. "I have also been keeping an eye on our friends. Ganondorf and the Majora set up camp outside the capital, and Link spends his days exploring the city."

"They are not my friends." Zelda refuted. "They were useful. They are allies at best. Thank you for keeping tabs on them, but I did not ask you to. You are an ally, just like them."

"I am sure you will find they share more in common with you than you think, princess." He smiled knowingly. "Especially as you all are tied by destiny."

"Hmmm." She hummed. "Is this related to my mark? I saw how you used that to convince Dragmire. Do not think me a fool as to not notice. The slave and I both have it, and the way you used it against him implies he does too. His use of fire and shadow is perhaps another link, but could also be a magic of the Majora rather than of a mark."

"You are right. When all of you are ready I will explain more, but as I can see... you have pressing matters."

"You have no idea." Zelda groaned.

"I do, actually. I am a leader as well among my people."

"Right... You are. My apologies, I misspoke."

"No harm is done." He shrugged. "But you should eat. Remember what I said two days ago. Just as you need to sleep, you also should eat."

"Two days!?" Zelda stammered.

"Yes. You have been in assembly for two days straight." He chuckled. "You haven't left the room all this time. Did you not notice?"

"No. No wonder I am weary. And hungry."

"Then do not let me stop you. Eat."

"I will wait. There is a matter I wanted to discuss with you."

He stared at her. It made Zelda a bit uncomfortable being under his sudden scrutiny. Finally, he said, "Do you value yourself so little?"

"Never mind how much value I place in myself." She refuted, a bit aggravated.

"Then let us make a deal. I will gladly discuss whatever topic you wish with you, though it means you pushing yourself unnecessarily, but only if you eat while doing so."

Zelda sighed. It grated at her a bit that he wouldn't just cooperate completely, but she understood he was doing it for her well being so she took it well. And the food was tempting. "Fine. I wanted to discuss-"

"Mouthful, then start."

She glared at him. Now she was aggravated. He was treating her like a child. She started to openly eat. She only meant to take a bite to get it over with and begin, but once it met her tongue she found she could hardly stop till half her plate was gone. He nodded in approval when she paused.

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