Dragmire's War - Nobody

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-Middle battlefield, Ouki Mitagi-

Following the victory on the western side, the Zhao fled toward the center. The same day the Zhao on the east fled to the middle, scattered and broken. Ouki smiled. The massive growth of soldiers on the hill across the field from him meant his plan had succeeded.

The Englishman stood by his side and said, "Commander Matsubi reports they have taken the hill on the west and are prepared to hold it or flank the Zhao at your command. Commander Kei Ki reports the eastern forest is ours and he has the Zhao surrounded from the east as well."

"Good. Good! He must be absolutely furious!" Ouki laughed. He stood from his seat and picked up his halberd. "Dragmire came to us as a general of Zhao, but hoped for a battle as a warrior. If he had wanted a duel, I would have obliged him long ago! But the coward thought he could come to my home! Play my game! I will not oblige him. I will fight him my way. I will make him suffer, and when he realizes how defeated he is, then and only then will I satisfy myself with taking his arrow-riddled head."

Ouki motioned to his messenger and said, "Send orders to the commanders on the left and the right, and send an order to General Moubu! Surround the Zhao on all sides! When I sound the trumpet, all sides will converge." Ouki continued his order with a more elaborate plan on how they would destroy the Zhao. The men all bowed and hurried off as quick as they could. Commander Matsubi and Commander Kei Ki were not in sight of the flags, so they needed special messengers sent on horseback or hawks sent. Flags could be motioned to signal Moubu of his orders.

"There is only one way Dragmire can escape his fate..." Ouki grinned ferociously. "If he comes at me, he will die, surrounded and pummeled with arrows. If he retreats, he will have proven himself a coward once again! If he stays, we need only tear him down! He can only live if he flees! How much you want to be he is going to take it?"

"I cannot say, sir. I have not had the displeasure of knowing him."

"Oh, of that is true, but then even you would know what happened the last time Dragmire fought. They stood their ground."

"They all died or were captured and enslaved. Not the most successful strategy."

"Indeed. And Harken Dragmire is at once a coward and thinks himself great at once. He thinks nothing of others. He showed his colors once before. I expect he will show it once more."

Faint movement in the distance stirred and before long Ouki pointed. The Zhao were fleeing north. "Look. Look at him! He has proven himself a coward once again. Nothing has changed!" Ouki motioned to more messengers. "Send a message to the commanders! They are ordered to hold their position. There is a great forest north. We must be careful."

The messengers departed to send the message. At the same time Ouki ordered for the command to be deconstructed and moved north to take the hill Zhao was leaving behind.

Qin took the hill from Zhao, and Ouki and Moubu and Matsubi and Kei Ki looked out north to where Zhao fled, and it was such a dense land of forests and hills that they could not make them out.

"Works for me." Kei Ki smiled.

"No..." Ouki replied. He considered and perceived the Zhao. He knew Kei Ki to be skilled, but Kei Ki's nature would not win against Harken. Kei Ki could not perceive Harken, nor did he have the strength to defeat him. In the same way, Matsubi's men were skilled in defense, but they would be nothing against Harken. This was not a forest filled with men with which they might do battle, it was a forest where a great ogre hid... waiting.

"We must be very careful." Ouki decided. "I have a plan, but it will take patience. Harken Dragmire is a great beast who has hidden himself in the brushes, and you are all nothing more than insects to him. If we are to fight him, we must sow a great web so that when he springs at last, he will be entangled by his own nature. His men are few, but it is at moments like this that you will come to understand how truly dangerous a Dragmire zealot can be." Ouki looked up at the waning sun. It had been a good day, but it was now over. They should not go further. Either Harken will flee back to Zhao, he will stay in the forest and wait. "Assemble your tents closer to my command! We will rest here for the night."

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