Dragmire's War - Meeting Ouki

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Link was given a collection of scrolls by Princess Zelda and Chancellor Impa, some money for his travels, and a guide to take him to Mutagi. The guide was important because Link could not read words nor understand maps due to his lack of an education.

He arrived at Mitagi and presented the first scroll to the guards, as he was told. The scroll bore the seal of the king. Despite Zelda not officially being king, due to her age, the seal of the king was still hers. The guards read the scroll. The words ordered them to take the boy (Link) to Ouki Mutagi. They guided Link to the inner mansion of Mutagi. The city-fortress was vast, eclipsing the capital in its size and grandness, but where the capital was beatiful and full of culture Mutagi was a war-machine. Everywhere Link looked he saw soldiers. Every corner had a blacksmith, armorsmith, swordsmith, or some kind of military purpose to it. Where the capital had three layers of walls in the form of rings, Mutagi was built in grids with dozens upon dozens of interlinked walls.

Link was awestruck in the fortress-city. He could not fathom a power that could build it, much less conquer it. Whoever this Ouki was, he was possibly as wealthy, and powerful, as Zelda! And she was the heir!

The idea of meeting Ouki terrified him, but also made him so excited he couldn't contain himself.

At last the guards presented him to Ouki. Ouki stood on a wall overlooking a regiment of soldiers being trained when the guards presented him. Link stood stiffly to the side, afraid even blinking wrong would be a sin. And the size of Ouki! Link thought Ganon was strong and musclebound, but compared to Ouki, Ganon was little more than a stick! Where did the muscles end on this man?! Link knew if Ouki took his armor off the guy would not have a six-pack on his stomach, he would have a sixteen pack! He had arms the size of tree trunks!

And the armor probably weighed a full ton!

Ouki blinked in surprise at seeing Link. He stared a moment at him, before shaking himself and extending a welcoming hand. "Oh-ho! Who is this?" Ouki wondered outloud as the guards bowed, and Link stiffly bowed. Sweat poured off him just from being under the man's gaze.

Beside Ouki was a blond-haired blue-eyed man with a funny mustache, armor unlike any design Link had ever seen, and a sword that was too plain to be from Qin. He was definitely a foreigner.

The foreigner was handed the rest of the scrolls in Link's possession, and after noticing the seals, opened the scrolls. His eyebrows lifted ever so slightly, in curiosity, and handed them to his master.

Ouki smirked as he read them. "So... 'Link' is it?"

"Yes, sir!" Link bellowed.

"The princess wishes for me to train you. My my... never thought she was the type to refer to anyone as a friend. You must mean a lot to her. What kind of relationship do you two have, I wonder? Hmm?"

Without thinking, Link said, "I hit her! No! I mean- I- we lived together! No... wait that's not right!"

"Wha?" Was about as far as Ouki got on that. Ouki was flabbergasted.


"You beat her and slept with her?!" Ouki asked.

"NO!" Link exclaimed, panicking and raising his hands in surrender. "No! No! No, that's not it!"

"Calm down. Just say it." The foreigner said.

Link took a moment to try and calm down. "You see... She was hiding in my village as a slave... alongside me with my master, for a short time. I followed her to the palace after I learned who she truly was. I may have... shoved her... at one point. We were arguing and she was being cowardly and needed... a shove. It ended up helping, as it sort of shoved her to action. She forgave me and everything so it's nothing to worry about!" Link gulped. He squeaked. "Please, don't kill me..."

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