Ryo's War - Ryo's Scheme

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This chapter will be abnormally short because the next will be long.

-Approximately a year since the war with Zhao-

The rest of the year since Ouki Mitagi's death passed with great tension. Qin lost territory, but thanks to the efforts of its army, the loss was well within expectations. Border villages were evacuated further in as the border inched its way further in, squeezing the country together. Link grew, both literally and figuratively. Change in Ganondorf remained to be seen, and Zelda continued her work in the palace, striving to learn, gain prestige, and overcome Ryo.

Link asked Kyo Gai to tutor him in reading and writing, and though his progress was slow, by a year's time, he was able to read basic messages. He also hired a local commander of another unit to tutor him in using the spear. The best in the region was Ouhon, and while Link considered swallowing his pride and asking him, he thought better of it.

Then, precisely a year to the day since Ouki Mitagi's death, Ryo walked out of his estate and returned to the palace. At the same time, Ousen Mitagi moved to the Zhao border. No one thought too much about it until the day a messenger from the capital reached Link. Among the messages was a word, a singular word, that sent Link scurrying onto the nearest horse. He left his unit behind with Kyo Gai in charge and raced to the palace. Sensing a serious problem, Solitare gave chase, but she struggled to keep up with him.

"Link!" Solitare called from a horse behind his. "What's wrong!? What did the man say!"

Link did not answer at first. His mind was abuzz with burning fury. It wasn't until a full day had passed and Genyuu Pass came into sight when he started to slow. They had pushed their horses hard all day and night. Finally, they stopped at early dawn, and Solitare gaped at what she saw. Before them, beside the gate at Genyuu, was a Zhao army. Opposite to it was a Qin army bearing the flag of Ousen Mitagi. However, it was the Zhao flag that drew their attention.

"Riboku!" Link hissed.

-Kanyou, Capital of Qin-

Impa hurried through the palace halls. Her pace was brisk, and her composure was aggravated.

"What does he think he is doing?!" Impa hissed to herself. "Not only did he not discuss this with anyone, but he didn't even bring it up with the princess?! Ryo has gone too far this time! He has completely lost his mind!" Impa found Zelda in her room dressing into a better set of clothing. "Princess, did my messenger tell you?!"

"Yes," Zelda replied. "Help me get dressed. Sarah is at the harem today. We do not have long."

Impa shut the door and helped Zelda into her clothing. If Riboku was making an appearance, then they needed to dress to impress and be imposing. Unfortunately, such clothing was hard to put on alone. Impa assisted her, but as aggravated as she was, Zelda felt her tugs and pulls be a bit forceful.

"Calm down, Impa. You're going to break it," Zelda reprimanded her gently.

"I'm sorry, my lady, but Ryo is not thinking!" Impa snapped.

"In fact, he's doing the opposite, I suspect. Although I would have hoped if he was going to do something outlandish like this, it wouldn't be on short notice."

"You knew he would do something like this?!" Impa gasped.

"Nothing... like this, no, but something," Zelda admitted. "A year ago, Ryo was so very angry when Ouki died. I know he wanted vengeance. So I told him the name of the man who killed Ouki: Riboku. It has been a pleasant year with Ryo otherwise occupied on his venture, but I cannot help wonder what his plan is."

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