Majora's War - Majoran Feast

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The Majora knew how to party!

Link entered into the main hall and gaped at what he saw. With the sheer number of people in the party, it was taken outdoors while a separate party and feast occurred in the main hall. Link and Soli were among the few allowed into the main hall's party. Like the Qin, there was food and drink provided by the plenty.

"Waiter! Food!" Link beat his fists on the table repeatedly. "Food! Food! Food! Fo-"

"Get it yourself, you lazy bitch!"

Someone punched him in the back of the head and without warning he found himself in the middle of a wild scuffle over the food.

However, unlike the Qin, the Majora were different. There was no waiter. You had to serve yourself and if what you wanted was in short supply you had to sneak, steal, wrestle, bite, and fight to get it. Food on anyone's plate was fair game. If a wolf jumped on your table and snagged a mouthful, you were too weak to deserve it. He was no stranger to mass scuffles, but these people took it much further than he did with his unit! At one point a table was flipped and Link had to use his Gift multiple times to reverse being kicked in the balls. People were thrown, furniture was broken, and Link smiled so much he could giggle. There were men and women from clans and tribes he didn't know existed all engaged in the scuffle! The Dragmire present seemed hesitant, having never seen the like of such a party, but like Link, they were too hungry to question it.

Nabooru sat the chief's table, with Matsubi as her guest. He sat by nervously silent, a bit fearful in the presence of a predator who took every opportunity to make her appetite, both sexual and not, apparent. This table was the only one where there was no chaos, although with how Nabooru treated Matsubi, it could be considered a chaos of its own. If she draw one more set of claws over his thigh he feared she would draw blood. He dreaded the thought she would go so far, and be so blunt, as to directly grab his manhood. She does eventually.

The unbridled chaos came to an abrupt end as the doors flung open and Ganondorf Dragmire stood in the doorway. Every Majoran, Soran, Baji, Chouga, Kabanko, Kyuumei, Feego, Mera, Enshu, and Dragmire stopped on seeing him. The men and women and animals stop fighting and stepped aside for him as he entered the room.

"What's gotten into them?" Link wondered between mouthfuls. "Its just Grumpy-Dick."

Solitare narrowed her eyes and watched the crowd. While Link was covered in bruises, she was untouched. She had easily avoided the scuffle. "The Majoran and their wolves are in awe of him."

"What is awe?"

"Respectful fear," Solitare explained. "But the others look like they are afraid of him, even despising him. Except for the red-headed Dragmire. They seem uncertain."

"Makes sense," Link swallowed. He put down the food in his hands and watched closely. "Grumpy-Dick was the Majoran leader when I met him. He likely had earned some respect to do it, and while their leader he grew Majora several times over by, well, conquering the others. The Dragmire would never have met him."

Nabooru's voice echoed through the hall, "Ganondorf Dragmire, it is good of you to join us. Why don't you come and sit?"

-Ganondorf Dragmire-

Ganondorf scanned the crowd. What he saw troubled him deep in his gut. All around was fear. For some the fear was naked, and for others it was hidden, but they all feared. Even the Majoran and Dragmire, his people by adoption and people by blood, had their shades of fear. It wasn't as hateful, as what he saw in the rest, but it was still fear. All of their eyes were on him, making him alone against all of them.

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