Kyou's War - Civil War

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-Village of Jouto-

Zelda's hand pulsed hysterically. The door of the estate burst open. Her eyes snapped open. Instinctively she reached for her sack beside her where her sword, bow, and quiver were. She settled for the blade on short notice. Thankfully, there was no one attacking them. In the middle of the one-room estate, was the slave boy holding Midna.

Midna was supposed to be at the palace; she was not supposed to be here. She was not supposed to be in the same place as Zelda and thereby revealing the plan. Lastly, she was not supposed to be bleeding.

Zelda had heard rumors that the capital's situation had reached its conclusion, and now the princess had proof. There was only one reason for Midna to be hurt: Kyou had succeeded in capturing the capital in so far as causing a wounded 'Zelda' to flee.

Impa's plan had reached its second stage.

"What the realms is going on?!" Link demanded furiously. His gaze locked on Zelda, and she felt the pulse in her hand pick up rapidly.

Zelda had the faint impression it was her heartbeat, but her heart did not beat this quickly. So why was her hand pulsing with an erratic heartbeat? Question for later.

"I don't owe you an answer," Zelda turned her attention to the mayor. "If she came all this way, she either escaped or was let loose. Prepare to flee either way."

"Let loose?"

"So she could be followed. However she escaped, she will be tracked. I promise Ketsu wouldn't hire amateurs."

The mayor would not leave Midna's side. He tried to stop the bleeding, but the girl didn't have long. She grew paler by the moment, and her lips had turned ashen white. Zelda insisted, "Unless you can get a doctor now and replenish the girl's blood supply, you are wasting your time. You must flee."

This logical statement, meant in their best interest, apparently invoked a reaction in Link. He snatched Midna's sword off the dying girl's back and pointed it at Zelda.

"That girl has a name! Midna! Say it!" He snapped.

"Saying her name won't help her or us," Zelda replied politely. "You are running out of time. If you insist on staying, then stay. I am done with this foolishness."

"I'm sorry, Princess," Midna muttered in her half-conscious state.

"Princess?" Link gasped.

Zelda sighed. Of course, her cover had to emerge. Oh well, no matter. The mayor knew, and what was a slave to do with the information? It was too fanciful to be reliable. It was a mistake on Midna's part, but Zelda refused to be angry with a dying woman.

Zelda looked down at her, "You did well, Midna. You gave me the feint I needed. I do question your choice in coming here, but I cannot refuse your choice of where to die. It is the very least you deserve. I wish I could offer you more, but the comfort that it will be worth it is all I can provide."

Her words did seem to offer Midna some comfort as she stilled and let out a final breath. Zelda moved around Link and out the door. It was as Zelda feared, the distant village was red with flame, and torches grew closer in the distance.

Link chased after her into the rain. He spun her around, "Tell me what is going on! Or I swear by Nayru! Why did she-" Link coughed on his tears. "Why did she have to die!"

"You want the short of it? She was a decoy to protect me and, if need be, to die for me."

He fell to his knees, seemingly too numb to hold himself up any longer.

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