Majora's War - One Who Seeks Justice

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-Somewhere in Qin-

A peculiar man of extravagant tastes and with a discerning eye entered the city. The guards at the gate gave him barely a glance as he entered. He had with him a horse and a wagon carrying what remained of his belongings. It was faint pickings of what he once knew, but it was better than what he had of late. He was in tough times and came here seeking opportunity and good fortune. Having been in many cities, and well traveled, he looked on the city and saw it was different. Most cities of such size had an energy about it. If the city was towards the border, then the energy was thick with a need for security, wariness of invaders, and a high guard. If the city was towards the core west of Qin, then it had an energy of bustling commerce, a thriving slave trade, a small guard detachment to police, and the word 'profit' on everyone's lips. Here, he found, there was no energy of such. The blacksmiths did not seem overworked, the market was not overflowing to the neck in competition, there were no wary eyes peering out at him from the shadows as the underground families are bound to do. It was friendly. The people smiled at him and gave him polite niceties. It was relaxed. It was as if there wasn't a care in the world.

It spooked him.

He told himself it was just their way. Perhaps they were odd. Perhaps the legends were true and what he saw about him was a sign of it. Or perhaps he had met with a terrible fate...

The man found an inn where he could lodge his horse, and a place to keep his belongings. He locked the door tightly and planned his thoughts out. Under the eyes of the strangers from the window, he found himself pushing the heaviest of his belongings directly up against the door until it would no longer budge. The gap was so small now, so thin, that even a boy would not be able to push through. Thankfully he was a very thin man and could work his way through the gap before shutting the door and pulling stringed mechanisms from under the gap so as to lock it from the outside.

The man entered the lobby and entreated for the innkeeper.

"Hello, my good man," Our man said, smiling widely.

"Hello to you, I trust you found your room comfortable?"

"Yes, very much so. My compliment to you and your family. The inn is warm, cozy, and if the scent from your kitchen is telling, I think I might gorge myself later!" Our man laughed nervously. The innkeeper smiled in appreciation. Our man said, "Now, I am here for a purpose, and I hope you might be able to point me out to my purpose further."

"Certainly. I saw you owned some, and if you don't mind me prying, it seemed as if you wish to open up a shop. I think it is good. Here people here are happy and welcoming to new business."

"If things go well, then I may open up a nice little happy shop, but that is not my purpose here. No, I could go to any city to do it, but I have a... specific purpose here. Legends have reached my ear, legends I hope are true." Our man rubbed his hands together nervously, hoping he wasn't coming across as mad, yet also fearing the man might know his mind so much as to be too discerning for merely strangers.

The innkeeper looked at him in slight confusion. Our man licked his lips and thought he should be more specific. "I heard there is a man here who is in the business of helping others, with a guiding hand that has never failed, and has been at the call of the lowly as much as the kingly."

"What kind of help?" The man asked.

"That is my business, you see. Help that only he can assist in, I fear. I have traveled long and far, and despite my best efforts, I feel myself at the end of my abilities, and soon I must either take what I have and make do with it, or find help only one such as he can grant. My allies are... unfortunately slim, you see. My friends have abandoned me and my enemies surround me."

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