Zant's War - Kyou's Legacy

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As the conclusion to Zant's War, this will be super long.

-Link and Ganondorf-

Link ran down the hall yelling, and barged head-first into the biggest, most highly decorated door he could find. Without knocking or waiting or even considering she might be caught in an immodest display he thrust the door open. "PRINCESS! You in here!?"

He gasped when he saw the room. The room had a large plush bed, fine curtains around it, a large rug on the floor. It had a bird-stand with an annoyed hawk on it glaring at him threateningly. It had a small stand for weapons that included a bow, quiver, set of armor custom made for a woman of Zelda's size, and shield. It was missing a sword for some reason even though it had a spot for it. The room also had a changing area with a movable wall, and had two separate doors leading out. The first door lead to a large private bath and a closet filled with clothes. The second door lead to a library with a large desk, two tables, and an assortment of chairs.

Ganondorf stomped his way in. "Damn brat... you run faster than you look. Did you find her? Is this her room? This looks like a room fit for a noble... Link?" Ganondorf questioned. He looked at Link with confusion, for Link had fallen to his knees and was staring at the room in wide-eyed wonder.

"Link?" Ganondorf repeated.

"I WANT IT! This is so much nicer than what I got!"

Ganondorf hit him over the top of the head. "Never mind the room! The princess is in danger!"

"Oh right! Princess!" Link called for her. He ran into the first door while Ganondorf rolled his eyes and checked the library while Link continued calling for the princess. Ganondorf quickly scanned the area between the shelves, checked for an alternative passage, and even knocked over the desk and tables to be sure there was no loose flooring to signify an escape. Ganondorf returned to the main room and briefly picked the bed up. He then checked under the other furniture and the walls. Link came running out of the first room covered in woman's clothes that he promptly threw on the bed.

"Princess wasn't hiding in her closets or the bath."

"Nothing in the library either."

"So no princess." Link concluded worriedly. Ganondorf shook his head. "This has to be her room! These are her night robes!"

"How would you know? You've seen her in them?" Dragmire teased with a smirk.

Link's cheeks reddened. "N-no, b-b-but she is the only high-class noble person in the palace who is a girl! Except now she has that night escort, so they might belong-"

"Relax, kid. I wasn't serious. If she is not here, she is not here. The question continues to be 'where is she'? And we cannot just continue running down every hallway yelling at the top of your lungs because-I-sure-as-realms-won't-be-doing-that." Ganondorf thought a moment. "There were no guards here. She must have moved on. If she was present at the gates or with other main groups of the Royal Guard the rest would have been notified."

"So she is not with them... But the opposite?" Link gasped at a thought. "Was she captured!?"

"Too clean. Princess Zelda strikes me as a fighter..."

Link looked at the weapon rack. "A fighter... Uh-oh..."


"This is just a passing thought... but the sword is missing."

Ganondorf followed his gaze to the weapon rack. It did not take much for him to figure out there was a slot on it for a sword to rest, and the sword was currently missing. Their eyes briefly met and a silent thought passed between them.

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