Majora's War - Words and Monsters

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"Well, looks like the monsters didn't go for the horses." Link commented. He returned to the girls with the horse's reins in his hands. He momentarily stopped when he reentered the ruins. The women were openly refusing to look at each other.

He sighed. He had hoped the two would have a much-needed talk while he was gone.

"I realize there is history and all, but can we please get along?" Link pleaded. "Impa, we came here to help her, right?"

"Or kill her if she couldn't be helped," Impa replied. "No threat to the princess can be allowed."

Soli sucked in breath angrily. She snapped, "Like I was ever a threat to her. Don't use her as an excuse for all of your actions. Typical Sheikah..."

"Typical Sheikah?" Impa asked, her ire rising. Link sighed again. "Have something you want to say, Solitare?"

"My name isn't Solitare! Not anymore. And yes. You justify your actions as being in the name of the princess as if the princess is perfectly fine with everything you do if she had the slightest idea of the kinds of things you do."

"She is," Impa replied. "Princess Zelda knows the Sheikah operates from the shadows. Every king knows. Every king has them. Our job is to do the dirty work to keep their hands clean. We are at war! We have to do horrible things to survive."

Link looked around for Soli's horse, found it, and brought the three horses together while the girls finally talked.

"So murdering my sister, my friends, and innocent people is justified because we are in a time of war? How is that any better than what Prince Kyou did against Zelda?! Are we to slaughter every village we come across because they don't agree with you!? You murdered Reida's guards and kidnapped Reida, who you knew was not on Kyou's side."

"Yes. I did. I would do it again," Impa answered.

Solitare looked at her hard, "Then you are a coward."

"Excuse me?"

"You are a coward because you refuse to acknowledge your actions as your own and take responsibility. You put the guilt off to other parties, other ideas, because you know if the blame was put on your shoulders you would be revealed for who you are. Guess what, Chancellor, that won't work when we stand before Naryu in the next realm. Everything you have done will be placed solely on your shoulders and you won't be able to say 'Well, it was just my job.'"

Impa laughed derisively, "So you think your hands are clean? You think you can judge me?"

"I haven't killed innocent people! I can remember now who I am, and look back at what I have done, and not feel guilty! I went to war to defend my home and I killed Zhao whose goal was to kill innocent people. Can you say the same?"

Impa didn't respond at first. She looked at Solitare and slowly smiled. It was a gentle smile, a pitying smile. "Young one, I used to think like you. It is true, you have fought on the defense so far, but one day you will fight on the offensive. One day you will decide who is guilty and who is innocent, while you fight the defenders. One day you will understand the true evil of war is that no one is innocent and no one is truly guilty."

Solitare opened her mouth to argue, but Impa cut her off. "Soli, allow me to offer a question to ponder. I will make my peace with you, but I want you to understand something. Which is worse, the realms of hell or war?"

"The realms of hell." Solitare answered.

"Who goes there? Who suffers?"

"The guilty."

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