Rebel's War - Guardian's Abode

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The Sheikah Shadowmaster later met up with the group to lead them to Ganondorf, who was somewhere in the basement. On behalf of both the Mitagi and Majora clans, as well as the royal family, it was finally time for everyone to see to the health of Ganondorf Dragmire.

"Here is the entrance to the deepest secret of the Mitagi," The Shadowmaster said.

He pointed to a slab of stone resting on the floor. The stone slab had the emblem of the Bird of Mitagi on it, or rather, a similar symbol to it. It actually looked more reminiscent of the ancient crest of Hyrule the Mitagi clan had based their emblem off of.

The Shadowmaster produced a circular glass and planted it on a nearby stand. The light from a cellar torch entered the glass and shined throughout it before continuing onto the slab. Moments passed as he aimed the light toward an unknown, but particular spot on the stone.

"Oooh, is it magical?" Sarah asked with wide eyes. "Is it going to make the stone disappear or open up? Is it ancient technology magic?!"

As if to answer her question, the stone slab shuddered and slowly parted like a double-door. Sarah squealed in surprise and delight. Under the stone was a man in heavy armor; beneath him was a set of stairs. Sarah squealed in further delight and Zelda squirmed in her uncomfortably tight grip.

"Hardly," the Shadowmaster smiled. "There is a tiny hole through which the Guardian can be made aware that there are visitors. He opened the door."

The Guardian stepped out of the stairwell and took a moment to look between his new guests. His gaze lingered on the Fae.

"I take it you are the Guardian of the Mitagi?" Geoffrey asked. He stepped forward to the armored soldier and saluted him. The Guardian silently returned the salute. "I have only heard whispers of you even amongst the highest ranks of the Mitagi."

"For a reason," The Shadowmaster said. "He guards treasures of the hoard since the Fall of Hyrule. He protects relics of power no man should wield without great care. While the Sheikah guard secrets of information, the Mitagi guard secrets of power of a more... physical sort."

"Is the treasure trove complete?" Link asked.

"Hardly," The Guardian whispered. His voice was dry, deep, and hoarse. It sounded like he had not used it in a very long time.

"The other nations most likely managed to get their hands on a number of ancient relics as well, but it is hard to say," Geoffrey mused. "They are wise enough to not use them openly. If they did, the other nations would all act in a similar fashion, and then whomever has the most relics would have a sizeable edge..."

Link did not understand. "And the problem with that is?"

"Can you say for certain Qin holds the most or the best?" Geoffrey asked Link. "No nation knows how many relics any other holds. It is like playing cards against six opponents when you know neither the number of cards in their hands, nor how strong each card is. It is better to not play all of your cards, lest you put yourself at risk. Therefore, we have only shown one or two. The Spear of Nayru is one of them. Thankfully, Ouki's reputation was not founded by his using it."

"A wise decision," Nabooru nodded.

"Why are you here?" The Guardian interrupted impatiently.

Geoffrey bowed slightly. "Pardon us, sir. We have become side-tracked. We are here to see your prisoner, Ganondorf Dragmire."

"All of you?"

"I understand if you are reluctant..."

"I am reluctant. My charge is to guard the chambers below, so intruders are unwelcome. I already accept the servants who bring the prisoner food and water, but I wish to accept no more than is necessary. I will accept no more than three at a time for this, so that I may watch over you all."

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