Kyou's War - Moving Shadows

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-Kanyou, Capital of Qin-

Ketsu's hands shook as he read the message. A messenger hawk had returned from the search, and the news it gave was grim: Reida's camp was found. The guards were dead. Reida was gone. A Sheikah knife was planted in the ground.

"Sheikah!" Ketsu whispered in horror.

The Sheikah were one clan, and a small one at that with no land to call their own. But their move was at the worst time! Chancellor Ryo was on his way to the capital! Ketsu would need all the forces he could muster! With the Sheikah having made a move in private, they were confronted on two sides! One from outside and one from within.

Ketsu yelled at the nearest servant, "Get the commander of the royal guard! Immediately! Tell him to gather everything!"

The servant bowed and rushed to do as ordered. Ketsu looked out over the wasteland between Kanyou and Genyuu Pass. The main army loyal to him were stationed at the great gate, and Ouki was arriving now. They would be safe from that side. But that left nothing to defend Ketsu from the Sheikah!

Ketsu hurried out of his manor to the street where he ordered a caravan. Servants loaded him onto the seat and carried him to the palace. Ketsu looked out and about for Sheikah, but the elusive bastards were sneaky. He didn't see anything, but he knew... he knew they were there.

The commander of the Royal guard was already waiting by the palace entrance with the army a thousand strong at attention. The commander hesitated when he saw how terrified the chancellor was.

"What is the matter?" He asked. "You look as if you have seen a ghost."

"Worse!" Ketsu cried. "The Sheikah have committed treason!"

"Treason?! The Sheikah are loyal to a fault!"

"Not to Kyou they are not! The blasted shadow assassins kidnapped the king's fiancé and killed her guards."

"But- the Sheikah are still in the capital." The commander argued, confused. "Why would they commit treason but openly show themselves at their estate? Wouldn't they flee or go into hiding? It does not make sense."

"Do not question it!" Ketsu beat his large fist on the man's head. "The Sheikah are cunning! They are ruthless! They are filled with witchcraft and illusion! It is all part of their ploy! All you need to know is that they have committed treason, and are close enough for you to kill! Your orders are to burn their quarter to the ground and kill everyone you find! And kill Reida while you're at it!"

"Don't you mean rescue?"

"Right! Yes! Rescue! That's what I meant!"

The commander looked worriedly at the chancellor. The man was frazzled and freaked to the point of near insanity. "I understand, Chancellor. But I am loyal to the royal family."

"It is the order of the king! I speak for the king and when he learns Reida is still in the capital, he will want them dead! Do you want me to go up there and tell him you know where his beloved is, and you refuse to rescue her?!"

The man gulped. Were it any other man, he would question whether or not the chancellor truly was speaking for the high prince. But Ketsu had been Kyou's right hand all his young life. There was no other man who could ever speak for the high prince.

Deciding to go with his gut, the commander bowed, turned, and ordered his men to march on the Sheikah estate.

-Royal Palace, Kanyou-

Being a king was proving to be far more taxing than Kyou expected. Every morning his sleep was disturbed by notices of some minister wanting a meeting, his lunch was disturbed by some ambassador wanting to join him, and now his evening nap was being disturbed by some nobody!

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