Rebel's War - Bittersweet Return

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-Bayou, Link-

Spirits in town were poor with their heavy death tolls and the loss of Ouki. Everyone felt defeated, even though they technically won. The war Ouki fought was to stop the Zhao invasion. This was a success... but only from a narrow point of view. Anyone who understood the times could plainly see Qin had lost. Zhao retreated because their objective had succeeded: Qin had lost its greatest military leader.

Night fell and Link returned to the house where he was allowed to stay. He approached the door and knocked. A man opened it, recognized Link, and welcomed him inside. The citizens of Bayou had opened their homes to the soldiers. This was an obligation on their part, and while many soldiers might take advantage of it, Link made sure to be polite. He also ensured his remaining unit did not take the advantage too much.

"Thank you for giving us a place to stay," Link bowed.

"Not at all, you all saved us. It is the least we can do." The man smiled. His family, a wife and seven kids ranging from newborn to twenty-years of age, greeted Link. Despite their best efforts, their smile was dim. They once had nine children. The joy of surviving only goes so far. Times like these were dark.

"I hope everyone has not eaten too much. I'll pay."

The man stared at Link in shock. Link did not know it, but it was very unusual for soldiers or officers to pay back what they took. "You really don't have to-"

"At least a few of you will be starving while you feed your family, yes? Your farms around the fortress are burned, your food stores are low, and suddenly you all have an army in your walls." Link smiled as the man grimaced. "I guessed as much. My home is a simple plantation. Despite that, there are good times and there are times where you just have to tighten your belt. I know what it's like to go hungry."

Link reached into his pouch and dropped a couple coins and rupees in the man's hand. The man gasped at the wealth. The few coins and rupees were of the highest value. Link walked to his room.

"This is too much!"

Link waved it off, "Keep it! I can't count anyway." He snatched a fair bit of coin off dead Zhao when everyone was looting. He was also in store for a lower officer's portion from the palace, in addition to bonuses for his achievements.

Link walked up the stairs. The house was entirely too small and compact for nearly fifteen people, but they made do. His team was given most of the futons or made spots in the corner of the children's room. However, only the older children were allowed to sleep in there with the soldiers. Link didn't know where the rest of the family slept.

"Hey," Link greeted as he entered. "Did you guys try and starve out the family downstairs by eating all their stuff?"

"Hey! I eat when I'm sad," Hei replied.

"No surprise there," Link teased. "You always were a fatass-" He stopped himself when Den Yuu shot a glare from the corner of his eye. Link gulped, "Never mind. Eat as much as you all need to regain your strength." He acknowledged Den Yuu, "Especially you, big guy. I'm paying them."

"Thanks," Several of them said.

Kyo Gai and Hei were the two most able to stand and move. Solitare and Den Yuu continued to lay down. Den Yuu was eating enough meat to make up for all of them, but then again, he also lost a great deal of blood after being pierced with so many arrows. He was recovering, but it would be a few days before he would find the strength to stand on his own feet again. A doctor visited every day to check on him and Solitare. Speaking of her, Solitare was having a much slower recovery. Her burns weren't of a lethal nature as arrows might be, but they take a very long time to heal. And every moment is very painful. She spent all night shaking in pain or shifting around, leaving the rest of the group with little sleep as well. She herself didn't sleep at all, except when passed out from pain or exhaustion.

Kingdom of Power, of Courage, and of WisdomNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ