Dragmire's War - Joket Tension

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The month Ganondorf Dragmire stayed in Kanyou was not wasted, despite his selfish desire. He stayed out of their internal matters but he did spend as much time strengthening the foreign relationship between Qin and Majora, and Fae and Majora, as he did exploring every street by his sharp nose, touching every fabric, viewing every color, tasting every dish, and hearing every instrument.

Zelda and he butted heads on a daily basis on matters of principle and philosophy, seemingly driven by their difference in culture. He was raised in a community social structure based on individuals and she was over an individualistic social structure based on community. One would think they would have much in common, but in reality, they were polar opposite in principle.

The fights were so commonplace that it united Ryo and Impa on a singular thought: Just how had the two had not tried to kill the other yet?

One thing was for certain, the palace was lively. Yet for the constant friction, Impa could not help but notice the arguments made Zelda sharper, more confident in her decisions after having argued them with the man, and rather than drain her of energy, it seemed to inspire her and give her more energy. So for the month, Impa kept a distant watch, but did not intervene in their daily butt-of-the-heads.

Ganondorf Dragmire departed for Joket at the end of the month. Upon his arrival his wolf, Kagami, came bursting out of the gates and jumped him. Ganon laughed, allowing himself to be knocked down onto his back. Most pets of the dog family would lick their master's face. Kagami was not this way. He curled up and forcibly plopped down on Ganon's chest, effectively pinning him to the ground. Ganon tried getting up, but Kagami growled. Ganon relented.

"It is good to see you, as well, Kagami." Ganon chuckled. "I am sorry I sent you away. I missed you greatly, but you must understand... I didn't know how Qin nobility would take an animal. I may be used to having you sleep against me, but Qin? Who is to say." Kagami huffed, growling deep in his throat. "Or don't understand, that is well too. I won't have you leave my side again, unless I am visiting Qin nobility."

Kagami turned his head to Ganon, seemingly rolled his eyes, and stepped off Ganon. "Your forgiveness is appreciated." Ganon said. Kagami turned away and flicked his tail. "Okay... not forgiven then. You'll get over it."

They entered Koget. The first stop Ganon made was into the Lon Lon Inn, mostly to avoid entering the governor's mansion yet. Malon cheerily waved to him from where she was helping her mother, and while Ganon saw Kuroko Dragmire visibly tense at the sight of him, she did not show any defensive or offensive signs. Her husband looked at him worriedly from behind the counter. Everyone else in the lobby of the inn eating and drinking stopped to notice him, and a few being Majora stood at their table, as was polite. Ganon waved them down.

From what he saw the shop was prospering. There was no signs of damage, and the mingling of Majora and former-Qin the same roof under a Dragmire pleased him. He did not know how, but Kagami Dragmire seemed to have found a way that neither him nor Zelda could. It spoke much of her and he found himself seeing her with more respect than even before.

She was a strong woman fitting of the Dragmire name. Worthy of being a chief's wife, should her husband fall to an unfortunate fate. Plus he did not wish for the Dragmire clan to fall, but be restored once more, and having her as wife would make it that much easier and more pureblood.

He put such thoughts to the back of his mind to consider for later.

"I just want something simple after my travels." Ganon took a seat. Kagami sat by him. "What is simple fair here?"

Kuroko finished her task and approached, "Lord Dragmire, we-"

"None of that. We are family. Just call me Ganon." Ganondorf waved it aside. "I insist."

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