Rebel's War - Hidden Foes

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It did not take long for Ouhon to prepare, much to Link's annoyance. Even his timing was prompt and convenient.

"Are you sure you're done? Sure you don't want to take an hour?" Link asked. He glowered with his arms crossed.

"I am sure. I do not want to keep you waiting." Ouhon answered.

His thoughtfulness only made Link roll his eyes and begin thinking insults. Ouhon's armor was shiny, clean, and styled in red. 'Oh, and of course he looked damn good in it!' Behind his back were no less than four spears. 'It's like he couldn't decide which one to take, so he decided to become a walking armory!' Each spear was of various thickness and size. The shortest had both ends sharpened. 'Because why shouldn't you risk hurting yourself if it looks cool!?'

"If I may," Ouhon cleared his throat. "You look a little awkward with your glaive. Have you much experience with them? I can provide you a sword, if you are more suited to it. The spear-"

"You want it for yourself, I take it," Link glared.

"I was going to say the spear could be placed in General Geoffrey's care or with High Princess Zelda, while you use what you find more comfortable. As I understand it, you have only recently acquired it. You would likely not have the experience to use it comfortably."

"And you would?"


"Sure, of course you would," Link whispered. Wasn't there anything this bastard couldn't do? But he kept that thought to himself. "I'm good with keeping it. It is true, I don't know how to use it well, but I will. It was entrusted to me by General Ouki's own hand, and I will honor that. Now shall we get started?"

"When you are ready, sir," Ouhon nodded. He bowed deeply and motioned out. "Lead on."

Link bristled. He despised being called 'sir' by someone like him. Yet it was more than the fact that the man was perfect. There was something wrong deeper in. Link wouldn't feel his instincts rising just because a man was beautiful, polite, convenient, shiny, badass, or tall.

They left the castle and entered the city. Link took Ouhon to where the carriage was attacked, and from there, they took to side-streets and then the deeper alleys. It did not take long to come to the corner where Link lost sight of him.

"This is where the assassin disappeared." Link stopped at the street corner. He looked in all directions. "As you can see, there is nowhere for him to hide."

Ouhon inspected the street. He tapped the blunt of a spear on the floor and walls. He looked up for footholds. The walls were solid, and the floor had no plates from where one might have descended into some hidden place. However, above them had a number of places where the assassin could have leapt onto if he was capable of jumping great heights.

"You are right to say that, but he could have leapt high. Some men are capable of leaping great heights."

"While wearing a full suit of armor and cape?" Link raised an eyebrow.

Ouhon glanced back, rocked his head and forth while humming in thought, and finally nodded. "You have a valid point, sir. Which direction was the woman coming from?" Link pointed. "And which direction did she leave in?" Link shrugged. "Sir, you don't know?"

"I put her out of my mind after I left. I was more concerned with Princess Zelda." The man narrowed his eyes at Link for a moment. Link leaned against the wall and tried to recall anything else. "No, sorry, I don't remember. I put my back to her and left... But-" Link snapped his fingers. He grinned in remembering something. "She did mention she had just bought a mask for her grandson."

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