Rebel's War - Wisdom's Flaw

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-Kanyou, Zelda-

Zelda could go to the throne room, but she decided she could afford a moment. When Link went out of sight, she turned around, re-entered the doctor's room, and looked down at the girl on the bed.

Zelda knew the moment she laid eyes on Solitare that she was a Sheikah. The blood stained clothes piled in the corner was the first clue. The second clue was the small tattoo of an eye behind her ear. Every Sheikah had one somewhere on them.

"Princess?" The doctor questioned.

"How long will she sleep?" Zelda asked.

"Off and on for most of the day. May I ask why?"

"That is inconvenient. I wish to speak with her."

Zelda looked around. She saw on the doctor's desk an ink well and paper. She approached it, hastily wrote a message, folded it up, and slipped it into Solitare's bed. With that done, she departed for the throne room.

Zelda pushed the ornate throne room doors open. For this meeting, Zelda had called all of the generals not fighting on the front lines. The palace was a few days from their borders by horse, so they could afford to be here.

Duke Hyou, Ousen Mitagi, Mou Gou, Geoffrey, and Moubu were the High Generals present. This meant they had the authority to lead other generals and armies greater than even one-hundred thousand. Technically, the only rank higher was Commander-in-Chief, who held authority over all Qin military affairs.

Duke Hyou was a man who reminded Zelda much of Ouki Mitagi. Both were loud, boisterous, despised formality, and strong fighters. The Duke lacked the prowess of the Mitagi, but he made up for it with a fierceness that rivaled Moubu. Hyou was unique amongst the generals for his capabilities of a strategist while in the middle of the battlefield, rather than observing a fight from the distance. His hair was naturally red, as opposed to the Dragmire's unnatural red, and he had a long beard and mustache. He held a never-ending grin and bore razor sharp teeth he whittled to a point. Duke Hyou didn't side with any faction.

Ousen Mitagi was a mystery. He kept his face hidden behind a black mask since he started his military career, and he has never been seen without it. His track record on the battlefield was the greatest in all of Qin, without a single loss, but he also fought the least. Ousen never fought without the absolute certainty he would win. His personality was as empty and black as the mask he wore. He rarely spoke outside of military commands that demand absolute obedience. All in all, he was impossible to read, but Zelda felt she could read him just slightly. His eyes reminded her of Ryo. He didn't side with any faction, but Zelda felt he was dangerously ambitious.

Mou Gou was the oldest High General remaining, and for a reason. He practiced war by the book. He had the greatest grasp of the basics, and so he never made mistakes. But at the same time, he never extended himself beyond what he knew would work. He never tried new things, he wasn't overly aggressive, but he was amongst their most talented in defense. He was a general with a long, strong, solid career. Mou Gou did not side with any faction.

Geoffrey was Ouki Mitagi's protégé and followed him into war for years. Geoffrey worked his way up to general by his own merit, but he was still an unknown because he never left Ouki's side. Ouki's last will for Geoffrey was for him to take his place, so Zelda would respect that. Ouki had told her once that Geoffrey would be a guiding light, should he fall. It was almost prophetic that Ouki would die so soon after telling her. Zelda hoped to have Geoffrey's support, but she was also uncertain. She had Ouki in her faction but had yet to meet with Geoffrey without the overpowering presence of Ouki.

Moubu was Ryo's personal High General. He was known as the Dog of Qin because when he found a target, he was relentless. His offensive strength stood unrivaled short of Hyou, but lacked in strategy. As a result, he tended to rely on others for it. It was no surprise then that Ryo's personal strategist and head of the officer academy would be his advisor on the battlefield. Zelda recently heard a rumor that Moubu was raising a son with the strength of Moubu, the charisma of Ryo, and the strategic mind of Ryo's personal strategist, Shou Hei Kun. If the rumor was true, then this teenager would be a truly powerful presence in the future and a great boon for Qin.

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