Zant's War - Argument of One's Worth

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-Royal Palace, Qin-

Zelda stood across from one of her ministers in a meeting chamber. He was a noble by the name of Mei Ki. So far as families went, the Ki family was massive and powerful. The Sheikah were small, so small they had moved from being a family to a clan that accepted anyone with the proper training. The Mitagi were large but consolidated at a single location. The Ki family was even larger than the Mitagi. So large they splintered and spread across all of Qin so much they could hardly be called a family anymore. The Ki family was almost a nation unto itself, with many branch families. Most of the branch families made up huge portions of the Qin political structure and so far as Zelda knew, the main branch of the Ki family had turned to gangs and mafia, but it was difficult to say without solid facts.

Thankfully Mei Ki was not criminal. He was loyal to her and proved to be one of her more useful helpers.

He had returned home with a report on Chancellor Ryo's movements, and judging from his chagrin, she wouldn't like it.

"I don't like this." Zelda frowned.

"In all fairness, High Princess, are we to like any of Ryo's movements?" The man raised an eyebrow.

"True, but I had hoped for more time to strengthen my position without him present." Zelda sighed, and leaned back. Her mind raced through the possibilities of what his latest move would mean and what she could do to prepare. Her thoughts came up short. Her tactics were simple and resources, though growing, were few. Zelda had no illusion that her capacity in court was staggering for her age, but she was decades behind Ryo in every way.

Mei did not speak. It was at once both a comfort and irritant. Zelda found useless chatter annoying and appreciated his seriousness and respect, but it also left the pressure on her to be the one to speak first and offer something constructive to further the moment. She just could not win could she? The only person she felt didn't pressure her was Link... and Ganondorf at times.

Link and Ganon were both independent, didn't hang on her every word, and were not in positions to work directly for her. And knowing them they wouldn't care even if they did. She appreciated Mei's respect but his steady, anticipating gaze made her wish she was with them not being a royal for five minutes.

"We need to inform the ministers in the capital of Ryo's return." Zelda said, breaking the silence. "Go. Call the ministers for an immediate meeting. We have to discuss what to do in his return."

"It shall be done!" Mei Ki nodded. He stood, bowed in a salute. He then departed.

"Probably the easiest thing about being a leader is delegating discussion and debate to others so one does not have to think too hard alone." Zelda heard a voice chuckle behind her.

The voice made her bristle. The person had entered in without her sensing it. It frightened her. She was an extremely cautious person and this one had slipped by. She turned to see-

"Elder." Zelda greeted icily.

"Ouch, such a cold tone. Am I not welcome?" The Elder Fae asked. He stepped in from the wall.

"You are, yet I must warn you: I do not appreciate being snuck up or spied on."

"My apologies. It was not my intention. I am perhaps far more quiet in my merging with elements than the less experienced of the Fae. I will take into consideration your wishes."

"Yes. Please do. We have doors, you know."

"But the door is open, signifying entrance, and-" The Fae gestured towards it, but he stopped short. His eyes moved between the door and her, as he slowly realized he misunderstood. "I apologize. Gateways and portals of entrance are not our way. It is difficult to understand the perspective of a mortal confined to physical boundaries by the elements."

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