Dragmire's War - Marching to War

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What luck! Link was interested in joining the first army he could find upon reaching the capital, he had expected it to be a month, at least, but one was already waiting! And a massive one at that! It was like a hundred thousand men were waiting just for him!

Link ran into the mass of men and quickly immersed himself. Everywhere he looked were grown men, strong men. Yet Link also saw that they were not soldiers. The men gathered were strong from toil, but had no training. They were farmers, blacksmiths, carpenters, inn keepers, bakers, merchants, stone carvers and stone smiths, and the like. They had no armour to speak of, little more than pieces of metal or wood slapped on, and only covering a small portion of their chest and waist; and this was only the men who could afford armour. Their weapons were shabby and blunt and rusted.

There were real soldiers mixed in, but the army was far from elite.

Link saw a black bird fly by. Feeling particularly nostalgic, Link stepped onto a rock and put his hand up as if to snatch the bird out of the sky. The bird reminded him of Midna, for some reason.

"Just wait for me, Midna. I'm going out to my first war. I'll catch up to you before you know it."

Of course, there was no answer. He expected none, but he felt if Midna was there, she would be telling him he was a moron while laughing. He clenched his fist as if to grab hold of the memory. The triangle on his hand shimmered. The bird flew over the wall of Genyuu Pass out of sight.

"ALRIGHT, YOU IDIOTS!" Link yelled. "I'm here now! You can all relax! I'm going to win this war for the lot of ya!"

"SHUT UP, BOY!" Someone yelled back.

"Who is the dumbass?"



"Which of you called me short!?" Link barked.

"Me." A very large man made entirely of muscle replied. The man was twice his height, and had more muscle than Link in just his neck alone. Link chuckled nervously.

"Right... I guess I would be shorter than you..."

Link backed off from the much taller, meaner, looking mountain of a man. He sighed. 'Watch yourself, Link. Don't want to get yourself in shit like you did with the Zora, again.' He thought to himself. The last thing he needed was to be broken like a twig.

"Link?" A voice said.

"I know that voice." Link murmured. He turned to see the last people he ever expected. "Tou?! Bucktooth?! What are you dumbasses doing here? How'd you find me?"

"Saw you making a fool of yourself on that boulder there." Tou pointed.

"Ah, right." Link chuckled in embarrassment.

Hei glared at Link over the 'bucktooth' remark. "Shorty..."

Link's eye twitched. His smile disappeared into a snarling glare. "Don't make me kick your ass."

"You can't reach that high!"

"Show's what you know! I've grown taller in the last year!"

"You're still shorter, and younger, than me!"

"Yeah, well. In a few years I'll be older, and taller, than you! Then you'll be the pipsqueak bucktooth dumbass!"

"Wha- That! THAT'S NOT HOW IT WORKS! I can't even comprehend you!"

"Too smart for ya?! Yeah, I've gotten a taller brain too while I been gone! I learned a thing or two about... you know... Uh-" Unable to put into words the things he had learned, Link settled for, "Stuff!"

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