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  Chapter 4: Saving People from Ruins
  When a knife cuts a stone, a common result is that the blade breaks out.

  This time, Su Mo was surprised to see the boning knife easily cut the stone into two pieces.


  Su Mo was a little surprised. This knife was a reward from the system. After adding spiritual power, it turned out to be so sharp.

  However, Su Mo soon became more excited.

  [Tip: Every time 5 dishes are unlocked, new rewards will be issued] Thinking of this sentence, Su Mo asked curiously.

  "Can you tell me what the next reward is?"

  [Pao Ding explains his skills: Under your knife, there will be nothing that cannot be cut.]

  The system's generous response made Su Mo feel reassured.

  It seems that the rewards unlocked later should allow her to better arm herself and survive in the wasteland.

  But when Su Mo saw that the last function looked dim, his heart sank again.

  On her first day in the wasteland, she personally experienced the dangers of the wasteland. If she wanted to survive here, she must strengthen herself as soon as possible.

  The process is very simple. First, you need to use ferocious beasts as ingredients to cook. After eating, you will increase your energy value and improve your mental strength.

  But just cooking the same dish repeatedly won't make her stronger quickly.

  The system makes it very clear that different levels of recipes provide different energy values.

  Su Mo didn't think that after upgrading his mental power, the progress bar was still only 100.

  In order to increase her mental power quickly, she needs to hunt more powerful beasts to gain more energy.

  In order to hunt ferocious beasts more easily, she needs to unlock recipes at the same time. While fulfilling her dream, she also needs to obtain new rewards to enhance her combat effectiveness.

  After all, she has a knife in her hand, but she only used it for cooking before. To gain combat skills, unlocking recipes is imperative.

  Survival is the only goal. As long as you live, you can always survive until you have enough energy.

  With an idea in her mind, Su Mo gradually felt at ease, and she was going to find a camp according to her previous idea.

  The system gave her the possibility of survival, but it did not give her the capital to run unscrupulously in the wasteland.

  If she was arrogant, she might end up with her head instead of her arm next time.

  After clearing his thoughts, Su Mo tidied himself up and prepared to set off.

  If she remembered correctly, this place was close to Base 8, so it was impossible to find a camp nearby.

  Not long after traveling, Su Mo saw the ruins of a city ahead. Judging from the size, it should have once been a town.

  However, Su Mo carefully avoided that town.

  If there are ferocious beasts in the wilderness, but because there are not many hiding places, if the opponent attacks you, you can see it and react in advance to avoid it.

  So in this kind of ruins, you never know if there might be some ferocious beast hiding in the corner, which could bite you out at any time and kill you.

I Work As A Cook In The WastelandWhere stories live. Discover now