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  Chapter 78 New Choice
  "What are you waiting to see?"

  While several people were laughing happily and dreaming about the future, a gentle female voice came from outside the room.

  Su Mo pushed the door open, looked at the expressions of several people, and asked again.

  "Can you tell me what you want me to wait and see at the camp?"

  The blade was hanging down by his side. Su Mo didn't have any murderous intention at this moment. But the strange thing is that when the woman saw Su Mo like this, her body felt... Trembling.

  "Stop her."

  The woman yelled and rushed towards the other exit.

  The fat and thin men immediately took action towards Su Mo.

  But all they saw was a flash of cold light.

  The sharp blade cuts the neck easily.

  The two of them were holding their throats, looking at each other with endless fear in their eyes.

  Death is coming for them.

  "You haven't replied yet!"

  In a brisk tone, Su Mo threw out the boning knife.

  The knife was nailed to the edge of the window, and the woman's intact hand was also nailed to it.

  Half of his body crossed over and hit the window edge.

  When the woman with a broken head and bleeding head looked up, she saw Su Mo leaning against the window, looking at her with a smile.

  "I, I don't want to do anything."

  The woman trembled, struggling to pull her hand back.

  But Su Mo held down the handle of the knife harshly, and with a little force, the knife penetrated deeper into the wall.

  The pain on the back of her hand almost made the woman faint.

  She rolled her eyes, but Su Mo pinched her cheek.

  "Tell me, what have you done to my camp during my absence?"

  When she came back, she happened to encounter these people bullying Aunt Li.

  He originally wanted to take action, but Tong Baiqiao appeared.

  Su Mo, who didn't know why the president became so enthusiastic, decided to deal with these pests now.

  "No, I really don't."

  "I just, I just want to join you."

  The woman shook her head randomly, looking very pitiful with her disheveled hair.

  It's a pity that Su Mo doesn't accept this trick.


  "That's a pity, our camp doesn't need people like you."

  "Well, let's go!"

  With the elegant voice, another knife appeared in Su Mo's hand.

  She came back a day later than expected because she went to the base again.

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