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  Chapter 45: Killing chickens to scare monkeys

  "These are the people who intend to destroy our town." "

  So today, I, Tong Baiqiao, as the president of the camp committee, will personally execute these people." "

  I hope everyone can remember it."

  " As long as they abide by the rules in the town, everyone can live well!" "

  If anyone dares to cause destruction again, then they will be like them..."

  Tong Baiqiao, who said this, waved his hand, and vines suddenly sprouted out of the ground. String those people together.

  Thick vines caused the broken bodies to shake in the air.

  Bright red blood flowed down the vines to the ground.

  Those green plants would look a little sinister and cruel here.

  However, the scarier thing is yet to come.

  The vines pierced out of Old Wu's mouth. His eyes widened and he twisted his body as if he wanted to say something.

  Old Wu could not utter a single word, and his body was gradually shriveled up to the naked eye.

  Their flesh and blood is being absorbed bit by bit by those vines.

  The skin shrank rapidly, the eyes protruded, and death filled the faces of those people.

  Without even leaving any last words, these people turned into mummies and were thrown to the ground.

  The body was still intact, but the appearance of death was truly horrific.

  Skin and bones are nothing more than that.

  Under that thin layer of skin, even the internal organs seemed to have disappeared.

  Tong Baiqiao's power is strange.

  This kind of vine is particularly bloodthirsty.

  Su Mo stood in the crowd and watched this scene quietly, gaining some understanding of Tong Baiqiao's power.

  "You did it on purpose, right?"

  Behind her, Shi Qing lowered his head and whispered.

  Su Mo just nodded lightly when he heard this.

  When she saw the thief's mission in the daytime, she had another idea in her mind.

  Since there are too few people in their camp, if they want to avoid being bullied, they need to give them a blow.

  And what better way to get started than to cooperate with Tong Baiqiao, the boss of this town?

  So she deliberately attracted Lao Wu and others, and also deliberately called Tong Baiqiao to test Tong Baiqiao's ability.

  Although it was a bit bloody to use the rock camp as a place of execution, when others saw them after that, they should think about the bones on the ground.

  Fortunately, Tong Baiqiao also wanted to take this opportunity to establish his authority.

  The two hit it off right away, so this happened.

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