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  Chapter 35: Back on the road.
  The old wolf who was being supported still looked a little confused.

  "Isn't I dead?"

  He still remembered that when he died, someone was crying in his ears.

  "I'll go, won't you all die?"

  Uncle Wolf's dull eyes were really funny.

  "What are you talking about?"

  Dr. Zhang slapped Uncle Lang on the back. Uncle Wolf was about to cry out that it hurt, but he found that he felt relieved now.

  He opened his clothes and looked at the healed scar.

  "You are still alive and well. If you want to thank me, thank Su Mo."

  Dr. Zhang said funny.

  From a distance, Su Mo winked at Uncle Lang.

  Immediately afterwards, someone explained to Uncle Lang the magic of Su Mo's bowl of porridge, and the process of Wang Qing feeding Uncle Lang porridge with his mouth.

  "Bah, bah, bah, I like girls, I might as well just die!"

  Uncle Lang shouted, glaring at Wang Qing with a look that could kill someone.

  This little joke completely relaxed the atmosphere.

  In the small room illuminated by lights, everyone gathered together to discuss matters after dawn.

  "According to the plan, we will find a place to stay temporarily."

  Shi Yan said, stirring the fire with the stick in his hand.

  After leaving Sun Camp like this, I don't know if the people in Base 8 are willing to let them go.


  Everyone agreed to the plan.

  It was almost dawn, and the bonfire at the Sun Camp stayed up all night.

  But in this dawn, several vehicles forced their way into the Sun Camp.

  A man jumped out of the leader's car.

  He glanced at the mess in the camp, his face expressionless.

  "Where is the person I want?"

  This tough attitude made some people angry, but Cheng Nian hurried over and nodded.

  "Sorry, Captain Xu, they ran away, but we killed a lot of people in that camp, and they won't survive long in the wasteland."

  These people were hired by Boss Zhang and wanted to take advantage of the evil. The Tianan team where the two belong to.

  Facing Xu Kaicheng, Cheng Nian didn't have the majesty in front of everyone in the camp.

  That flattering gesture made people sigh, but the people around them took it for granted, and some even lowered their heads.

  "Bah, a bunch of trash!"

  Xu Kaicheng spat.

  He even stepped on the corpse next to him.

  It was a soldier from the Sun Camp. The body was already broken. After this kick, all the intestines and other contents in the stomach flowed out.

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