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  There are too many snakes, so I'm afraid I have to keep people here.

  If you jump from here, there may be a glimmer of hope.

  "But..." Zhang Tiewei was still hesitant.

  None of them knew what was going on down there, what if there was something in the water.


  Shadow Snake's voices were mixed together, overlapping and crowded.

  A sticky and clammy feeling approached several people.

  A snake suddenly jumped up and bit Zhang Tiewei's neck directly.

  Fortunately, Su Mo reacted quickly and the knife was in the way.

  The sharp blade cut the snake in half. After it fell to the ground, it was trampled to death by Wang Qing.

  The snake's body was kicked back into the group of snakes, and was quickly divided into pieces with no bones left.

  "If you want to die without even being a scumbag, you can stay here."

  Uncle Lang's attitude was firm, and then he jumped down with a fierce look on his face.

  Within a few breaths, the sound of water came from below.

  Uncle Lang emerged from the water, his face a little pale, but he gave Su Mo a thumbs up.

  There is nothing strange in the pool for the time being.


  Su Mo followed closely behind. Fighting with the snakes was a fool's errand. Only by keeping his life alive can he survive.

  "Tiezi, if you want to avenge Cheng Da, then leave quickly."

  Wang Qing pulled Zhang Tiewei and jumped down first.

  Three people disappeared, which caused the snake group to gradually become agitated.

  Some snakes climb directly on the bodies of their own kind and then swim quickly over.

  Seeing those snakes with bloody teeth, Zhang Tiewei's face was full of anger, and then he jumped down.


  The snake group became violent. Many snakes swam to the edge and looked at the cold pool below, but did not continue to pursue.

  The cruelty of snakes flows in a pair of vertical pupils.

  They watched the humans in the water gradually disappear above the cliff.

  To be honest, the feeling of falling into the water from a high altitude is not pleasant.

  Her body felt as if it had hit the hard ground, and she was in a lot of pain. But fortunately, her physique was strong enough, and she only had chest tightness for a moment and returned to normal.

  Swimming quickly in the cold pool, Su Mo climbed onto the shore.

  Su Mo, who was all wet, pushed her hair back. She sat on the ground and held her arms back.

  The snakes above retreated, but Su Mo couldn't be happy.

  Beside her, Uncle Wolf was half-kneeling on the ground, hitting the ground with his fist, leaving a hole.

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