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  Chapter 10 Camp Crisis
  In Aunt Li's words, so many people expect Su Mo to cook the meals for the camp alone every day, fearing that Su Mo's small body won't be able to bear it.

  Su Mo happily accepted this kind offer and even showed that he would personally teach Aunt Li's cooking skills.

  For this reason, Aunt Li was proud in front of the people in the camp for a long time.

  Today is the third day of hunting for the camp team.

  Su Mo started looking forward to it very early in the morning. It was time for the team to come back.

  However, looking around, the wasteland was completely gray, and the plants growing on the ruins had become extremely monotonous.

  The camp she is currently in is located in an abandoned town, and further ahead is Base 8.

  Every time there are enough exchange items, people in the camp will go to Base 8 to exchange for what they need.

  The base is a world belonging to the rich, but it is similar to the earth in one aspect.

  "Hey, there seems to be a team coming over there?"

  The person watching at the camp gate suddenly shouted, and Su Mo immediately became interested and rushed over.

  But as the team got closer, Su Mo discovered that it was not Uncle Lang and his group.

  The modified off-road vehicle roared at the entrance of the camp and then stopped. The smoke and dust on the ground fascinated Su Mo's eyes.

  Su Mo saw a group of people carrying something into the camp. When he got closer, he saw it was a stretcher.

  "Is there a doctor? Come out quickly."

  On the stretcher was a young woman who was seriously injured and unconscious. Her appearance could be said to be beautiful, but what attracted more attention at this time was the wound on her chest.

  Although there was gauze pressing down, the blood had completely dyed the gauze red, and even blood stains spread on the stretcher. It looked like the injury was very serious.

  "Go and call the doctor. Do you hear me? If something happens to her, you won't be able to survive."

  Someone was shouting in an angry and anxious tone. Someone beside him picked up a gun and pointed it at the people in the camp.

  Wear uniforms and almost everyone is armed with a gun.

  Su Mo hid a little further away and frowned. These people should be the guards in the base, and they must be out to perform some mission.

  He glanced at the guns in the hands of those people for a few more times. This thing was common in the wasteland, but not everyone could own it.

  There were also several guns in the camp, and this time Uncle Wolf and the others took some out.

  But Su Mo knew that they would never use bullets until the last moment.

  Unless you rob like those looters, or find some new relics, the only way to get bullets directly is to buy them in the base.

I Work As A Cook In The WastelandWhere stories live. Discover now