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  As soon as the people rushed out, what they saw was a scene of snakes swarming around and eating Cheng Da.

  Zhang Tiewei shouted in panic and wanted to go over to save people, but Su Mo held him back.

  "It can't be saved."

  His voice was hoarse and his expression was painful, but Su Mo's head was extremely clear at this moment.

  A snake broke through the skin of Cheng Da's heart and emerged from the skin. Cheng Da had already lost any human reaction.

  "Damn it, I should have stayed with him."

  Zhang Tie clenched his fists with regret.

  He should have stayed vigil with Cheng Da!


  Uncle Wolf suddenly shouted.

  His eyes surveyed the surrounding darkness, and the sounds in the surrounding bushes grew louder.

  The snakes were entangled together, and the sound of snake scales rubbing against each other was dense.

  But in the blink of an eye, the exposed part of Cheng Da's body had lost all flesh and blood, and there seemed to be bite marks on the bloody bones.

  The body shape of these mutated snakes has not changed much, but their venom is more powerful, and even their teeth have become better.

  "We are surrounded."

  Uncle Wolf picked up a piece of burning wood and threw it directly into a bush.

  The autumn shrubs were quickly ignited, and in an instant, many dark shadows emerged from the flames.

  The snakes were shuttling back and forth, perhaps sensing that they had been discovered by humans, and the friction sounds in the darkness became layered.

  Snakes appeared one after another. Su Mo looked up and saw some snakes appearing above the cave.

  "Use fire, let's go!"

  Uncle Wolf made a decisive decision and threw the burning firewood in one direction.

  Although it is difficult to break out of the encirclement, if you continue to stay here, you will be eaten by these snakes until no bones are left.

  Fortunately, the flames are still useful, and in the autumn forest, dry grass is everywhere.

  Throwing firewood will ignite the surrounding area and temporarily drive away the snakes.

  Su Mo and others followed Uncle Lang and left here quickly.

  The moment she entered the stone forest, Su Mo felt the danger on her head. She raised the knife and cut a snake in half.

  But after the two-piece snake fell to the ground, the body on the other side of the head was still twisting on the ground trying to bite Su Mo.

  This scene is disgusting!
  Searchlights were scattered around, the light was swaying, and several people were running in the stone forest.

  From time to time, a snake would emerge from the surrounding stones, spitting out snake bites, and staring at them with vertical pupils.

  Su Mo could see clearly that many snakes in the snake group were mating, and the appearance of these humans seemed to disturb the tranquility of the snake group.

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