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  Chapter 151 Encountering Danger
  What surprised Su Mo.

  In the middle of the afternoon, she met a group of people.

  It looked like a professional team, well-trained in operating in the ruins.

  The distance between the two sides is a bit far.

  Looking from a distance, all he could see was that the other party was holding an instrument and seemed to be looking for something.

  Su Mo, who couldn't figure out the other party's details, was about to leave, but suddenly he felt locked.

  "Friend, since you're here, come out."

  The shout penetrated the stone forest and reached Su Mo's side.

  It's a man's voice.

  Looking up, he saw the other party staring at him.

  She was not exposed, but someone over there captured her presence.

  The spiritual sea quietly opened, and all the villains now appeared gray.

  In Su Mo's mind, the other party was not yet an enemy.

  But even so, the ability to capture weaknesses is quietly activated.

  Su Mo walked over slowly.

  The leader was a woman.

  A very beautiful woman with very cool short hair raised her eyebrows in surprise after seeing Su Mo.

  Then her big red lips raised, revealing a enchanting smile.

  "Hey, she turns out to be an awesome little sister."

  "Little sister, if you want to make friends, come face to face. It's not good to peek in the dark."

  The woman smiled and waved, and the feeling of locking disappeared at this moment. .

  Su Mo glanced away at the middle-aged man beside the woman.

  A pair of eagle eyes are extremely sharp.

  When they met, Su Mo felt a stinging sensation in his eyes.

  Is that the other party's ability?

  Su Mo thought and smiled.

  "Sorry, I passed by here, no offense."

  "It doesn't matter, you are not an enemy."

  "My name is Zhai Man, what about you?"

  The woman who called herself Zhai Man signaled Su Mo not to be nervous.

  That confident look made Su Mo's eyes darken.

  The other party gives me an unpredictable feeling.

  Powerful yet restrained.

  The surface cannot be compared, but it is best not to go head-to-head.

  "Su Mo."

  She spit out the name and did not see the change in the other person's expression.

  It seems that the other party is not a predator.

  "Sister Su Mo, it's like this. We are a team from the base and we are performing a mission here." "I

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