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  Chapter 25: Catch the thief quickly.
  The autumn air is crisp and the temperature is quite comfortable.

  On this day, some people in the camp gathered around and chatted, while the soldiers were training and fighting outside.

  Wang Qing, who is now able to get out of bed, is directing some of Su Mo's fighting movements.

  Su Mo was a layman in the art of fighting. Even though he had the sword skills provided by the system, he still felt awkward when applying force in many places.

  Just ask Wang Qing to help her train.

  The bayonet was sheathed without any mental power or skill, just a direct blow.

  Within a moment, Su Mo's arms began to feel weak, but fortunately, her body was able to withstand this kind of training after being strengthened by several delicious foods.

  Just when Su Mo was immersed in training, a person suddenly came over to where the bacon was drying in the camp.

  "What the hell? It smells so good."

  The man stared at the bacon and swallowed saliva.

  This meat is raw meat, but it smells like wine.

  After mixing it together, it made him want to hold the piece of meat and chew it.


  Just when the man wanted to grab a piece of meat and observe how to make it, Little Douding suddenly appeared behind him.

  Their eyes met, and Little Douding didn't recognize each other, and then he shouted loudly.

  "Thief, a thief is here to steal the meat."

  "Catch the thief quickly!"

  The children's screams attracted the attention of everyone in the camp.

  When they heard that someone dared to have the idea of ​​bacon, they immediately became angry.

  Some even drew their swords and rushed over.

  When Su Mo arrived after hearing the news, he saw a big man with a wry smile on his face, a knife on his neck, and his hands raised, not daring to move.

  "I'm not a thief."

  "I'm here to see Old Wolf."

  The man explained, shrinking his head in the face of the vicious eyes around him.

  Isn't it just a few pieces of meat? Why is it so cruel?

  "Lao Wang, why are you here?"

  Uncle Wolf squeezed over from the crowd. After hearing what happened, he slapped Lao Wang on the shoulder and couldn't help laughing.

  "Follow me quickly. These meats are treasures of our camp. I can't touch them casually."

  Uncle Lang gave Su Mo a look when he passed by.

  "Don't worry, the meat is fine, everything is fine."

  Su Mo comforted everyone, then found a reason to leave, but entered the meeting hall.

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