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  Chapter 31: Stalemate
  "I can promise you that as long as you surrender, I will not touch these women and children."


  Cheng Nian, who had regained the upper hand, looked at Su Mo and others with a sneer.

  That fearless look made Su Mo want to rush up and punch him.

  It was the first time he hated someone so much, and he was helpless in the face of this situation.

  Several people leaned together, looking at the miserably crying children, with some unbearable eyes.

  Most of these children grew up watching in the camp.

  How could we ignore their deaths?

  But if you surrender like this, who can guarantee that what these people say is true.

  Things seemed to be at an impasse.

  Doctor Zhang, who was being held hostage and kneeling on the ground, had a hard look in his eyes.

  "Leave us alone, you go quickly."

  "As long as you are alive, there is hope!"

  Dr. Zhang was one of the first people to come to the camp, and she has deep feelings for these people.

  If she could, she wouldn't want to make this choice.

  But if Shi Yan and others died, these women and children would be ravaged by these people.

  At this moment, almost all the women and children in the rock camp were brought out.

  The men were held on the ground.

  There is a steel knife on the neck.

  If you move even slightly, you will be slapped mercilessly by those behind you.

  Some of the timid ones were already slumped on the ground crying.

  Aunt Li, whose hair was grabbed, was still struggling to rush to Douding's side.

  "You bitch, if you touch me again, I'll kill you, believe it or not."

  The man behind her threatened with malice.

  The knife even made a cut directly on Aunt Li's neck.

  Blood gushed out, but luckily no artery was damaged.

  But even so, Aunt Li still pushed away the people behind her and pounced on Douding without fear of death.

  "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, mother is here, mother is here!"

  Aunt Li murmured.

  After seeing the stalemate between Su Mo and others, Aunt Li looked a little crazy.

  She actually rushed directly towards the men in the Sun Camp.

  Without a weapon, he just bit someone's arm with his mouth.

  The sharp teeth directly tore off a piece of flesh and blood when the opponent was caught off guard.

  "You bitch, you're looking for death!"

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