Chapter 57

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A longer chapter for you today, that still doesn't make up for my recent absence :)

Auriga inhaled the humid summer air, peering up at the Manor that had once been her home. The sun was setting behind the North wing, where her room had been, and it cast golden dancers onto the front lawn.

A multitude of cracks announced the arrival of Auriga's fellow Order members, and she took another breath, her wand trembling in her hand. She was all too aware that in ten minutes time, she'd be confronted with her captors - her brother's captors - and Auriga was terrified of what the vicious Malfoy monster inside her would do if that was so. The Malfoy part of Auriga was the part that had been taught to do whatever it took, no matter the cost...

A familiar hand found its way to her shoulder and Auriga turned to look at Remus, his face solemn but his eyes reassuring. Auriga wanted him to just hold her where they were like he had the day of the Battle in the Department of Mysteries. But there'd be time for that later, so long as everything went to plan.

"Is everyone aware of the plan?" asked Moody, moving to the front of the crowd next to Auriga. There was a ripple of certain and determined nods, but ever the veteran, Moody continued anyway. "Auriga, you'll go with Tonks to Draco's wing. Lupin and Black, you're downstairs, just in case he's somewhere else in the house. When you find him, announce the code word and we'll retreat.

"Group A - that's Weasley, Shacklebolt and myself - will enter the house through the kitchens at the front and cause a distraction, luring the residents to the centre of the house. Group B - Vance, Jones and Podmore - you'll do the same from the back entrance. Reconvene back at headquarters. All clear?"

"Just make sure you use the french doors from the gardens and not the dutch ones that lead into the library," Auriga added. "Otherwise the game's over before it's begun."

Vance and Shacklebolt exchanged an uncertain glance. "What in Merlin's name is a French door?" asked Nymphadora. What kind of question was that? It was a french door!

"French doors come in pairs, full glass panels," said Sirius.

Auriga nodded, "When you look through you should see a drawing room, not a library."

"Right," said Podmore. "What's the difference?"

"A drawing room has less shelves," suggested Auriga. "Think portraits, mirrors, grand fireplaces-"

"-We'll find it," said Podmore.

"Are we clear?" asked Moody, tapping his foot impatiently. There were nods, but less certain this time. "Then let's go."

The group moved forward to the ivory-clad perimeter wall, glancing up at the house ahead, lest anyone see their approach. Bill Weasley stepped forward and began disassembling the wards, frowning and muttering every now and then. After about five minutes of Moody telling him to hurry, Auriga trying to grasp what he was doing, and everyone else shifting uncomfortably, the Weasley smiled and lowered his wand, before tugging on a bit of ivory. "Over we go," he announced.

Auriga watched as Nymphadora and Sirius raced to the top, Moody and Vance tapped their wands and allowed the ivory to pull them over, and the other Aurors and Bill began the steady climb over the twelve foot wall. "Why don't we just apparate over?" Auriga whispered to Remus, who was yet to make any attempt to climb.

"We can't take down all the wards," explained Bill, and Auriga's cheeks went hot. She hadn't meant for anyone else to hear that. "The physical barriers are down, and the alarm wards are weakened. To them, we're just a flock of birds crossing over."

"Oh," said Auriga, "Right." When she was halfway up, and Sirius and Nymphadora were helping everyone else over, she peered over her shoulder and saw that one member of the group hadn't even begun their climb. "What, are you scared of heights, Remus?" she taunted down.

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