Chapter 15

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Auriga stared in silent disbelief at the face of Sirius Black. "Unnerving, isn't it?" he asked, glancing up and down the corridor, "What those creatures can do to people?"

"Mm," Auriga agreed, edging slightly closer. She was wary of Black, but she hadn't really thought he'd be here. For some reason she'd always thought he'd have his own wing, maybe even his own building. She vaguely remembered the day he'd been locked up. It was all over the paper that had been delivered, and her parents and various family friends had spent the whole day arguing in hushed whispers.

"How do you find the effect of the dementors, Black?" Auriga asked.

"Oh, they're not so bad once you get used to them," he said, picking at his nails but keeping his eyes on Auriga, "The problem is, most of this lot haven't got used to them yet." He said it like it was some sort of secret.

"I can see that," Auriga mumbled. She stared at him for a minute mesmerised by how psychotic he was, then remembered why she was there. "So, Black," she began, "What kind of routine do you have here?"

Black chuckled a little. It seemed like a normal laugh, not like Lestrange's cackle. "I stay in my cell, day in, day out," he said, seeming bored, "I get food twice a day through that flap there," he said, indicating a hole in the door. "And I sometimes try to have a conversation with my dear cousin," he nodded next door, "But we don't really get along. Never have." He shrugged as if he was merely talking about what he wanted for dinner. "What brings you here, Miss Malfoy?" he asked, getting up and leaning against the wall of his cell.

"I'm compiling a report for the International Confederation of Wizards," Auriga said, trying to play down its importance.

"Ah," Black said, seeming mildly interested, "How's your mother doing? She was always more bearable than dear old Bella," he said, reminiscing, "But we still had of views," he decided, as if he hadn't been sure how to phrase it.

"She's well, thank you," she said, "Would you like me to tell her you asked after her?" she joked.

Black paused, considering the offer. "Yes, please," he said, graciously, "She'll be delighted." He stopped again, coming closer to the bars. Auriga knew she shouldn't be that close to him, but she also knew better than to step back. It showed weakness. "So, what's your report about?" He asked, leaning forward casually through the bars.

"This and that," Auriga said dismissively, "Anything you'd like to say?"

Black smiled again - quite a pleasant smile actually. A real one. He wasn't entertained or teasing her. He actually seemed content. "Tell them I said hi," he finally decided.

Their conversation was interrupted when Fudge came bustling up behind Auriga, not realising who she was speaking to. "We're going to head back downstairs now..." Fudge said, trailing off when he saw Black leaning out his cell.

"Hello there, Minster," Black said politely, holding his smile, "It's good to see you. How's the wife?"

"Uh-yes...yes she's fine," Fudge said, twirling his bowler hat.

"It's so long since I've seen you," Black continued, "Almost as though you've been avoiding me." Black grinned further and Fudge forced a small smile. "Is that today's paper?" Black asked, pointing at the Prophet tucked under Fudge's arm.

"Uh...yes, it is," Fudge said nervously.

"Are you done with it?" Black asked. Then he turned to Auriga, "I like to do the crossword. Had a friend at Hogwarts that got me into them, and-"

"Yes, yes, I'm done with it!" Fudge said, loudly, interrupting him. Shacklebolt stepped forward and pushed the paper through the food slot. Auriga watched as Black swept down, like a vulture to a carcass, and plucked the paper elegantly off the floor. She thought she saw a flicker of recognition cross his face, but it was gone in an instant.

"Thank you very much, Minister," Black said, placing it neatly on his bed, "I shall thoroughly enjoy it."

"Yes, of course," Fudge said, his brow furrowed, "But we really ought to be going," he added to Shacklebolt.

"It was a pleasure meeting you, Miss Malfoy," Black said, performing a mock bow.

"Thank you for your time, Black," Auriga said, walking away with the group.


Auriga cut up her chicken, and washed a piece down with some wine. She was eating at Malfoy Manor with only her parents, and it was eerily quiet, indicating Draco's absence. "I went to Azkaban with work on Thursday," she announced to the table.

Her father paused with his goblet midway to his mouth, but her mother seemed disinterested. "Did you?" she asked.

"Yes. I met Bellatrix Lestrange," Auriga continued, "She thought I was you."

"She would," Narcissa said, piling peas onto her fork, "She wasn't quite right before Azkaban. All the Death Eater business got to her, I fear."

"And I met Sirius Black," Auriga said, and her father put his goblet down now, arching his hands in front of him. "He asked after you. Asked if you were well."

"And what did you say?" Lucius asked her slowly.

"The truth, of course," Auriga said, "He said you'd be delighted if I told you."

"I'm sure he did," Narcissa said stiffly.

"Do you remember much of him?" Auriga asked her mother, "From before the war?"

"I remember that he was a hooligan," Narcissa said, placing her napkin on the table, "And that he frequently argued with anyone about anything."

Auriga hesitated before she said the next thing. "How about during the war? Did you stay in contact with him?"

Lucius laughed, and Narcissa's mouth twitched. "I lost contact with him when I was about your age," Narcissa said, "I haven't seen him since."


Auriga rolled over in bed, trying to block out the endless tapping noise. When it wouldn't go away, she opened her eyes, letting them adjust to the low light. "Lumos," she said, and her wand tip ignited. She looked at the clock on her wall; it was almost two-thirty in the morning. And what was that noise? Had she left the tap running?

She almost jumped out her skin when she looked towards her window to see a small owl perched there and pecking at the glass. What kind of idiot sent an owl at this hour?

Auriga went over to the window and untied the note, before giving the owl a treat she had lying around and sent it on its way. She looked at the note, wondering whether to open it now or leave it until the morning. Deciding curiosity would get the better of her eventually, she unfolded the piece of parchment. As she read it, her stomach dropped, and her throat dried out.

Hi Auriga,

There's been a breakout from Azkaban. You were in the last group there, so you need to come into the office immediately. I'll let you know more when you get here.

Thanks, Martin

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