Chapter 92

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Highkey ready to drop the floorplan for Oakenmore Way at any given moment :)

Auriga had spent the next day reading and rereading the recipe for Wolfsbane Potion, determined to get it right, if not for her sake then Remus's. It was tricky, but if there was one thing Auriga was sure of it was her ability. She'd been the most arrogant seventeen-year-old imaginable, and that had only really changed when Mr Crouch had died.

Remus had spent the day staring mindlessly at a book and checking on Sirius, looking grim every time he came back downstairs. Tonks had just hovered, offering to clean or go out and buy food.

Now Auriga lay awake, staring at the ceiling and not wanting to sleep in case Remus tried to sneak off again. He needed to sleep, he hadn't
rested in days. And the full moon was next week. Auriga's very first transformation.

Her ears perked up at the sound of a footstep at the bottom of the stairs. Her senses had been heightened since she'd been bitten, and she could happily say it made her feel far more at ease. Yes it was harder to focus, but it had saved her life at the raid on Remus's, and apparently it would save her life now. "Remus," she hissed, and his eyes snapped open. She felt awful for waking him up. "There's someone downstairs." She watched as he focused and strained his ears before nodding. He could hear them too. "I'm going to check if it's Tonks," she whispered. "You stay here."

He opened his mouth to protest, but Auriga stopped him. "They think I'm alone," she reminded him. "If it's them, there's a fireplace in the upstairs living room. You can get Sirius to safety." This convinced him slightly more, because he didn't respond further, but he still looked apprehensive. "I'll be fine," Auriga promised, grabbing her wand and giving him a kiss. "Love you."

"Love you too," he said. Auriga smiled at him before making her way down the stairs, wand poised and ready to fire. She could hear them pacing around in the kitchen slowly, searching for signs of life. Auriga readied herself, wand poised. The footsteps stopped.

She jumped from her hiding place and behind the kitchen doorframe. "Petrificus totalus!" she cried.

At the same time, the person cried, "Stupefy!" Auriga relaxed and heaved a sigh of relief when she saw who it was.

"Do you enjoy trying to kill me, Malfoy?" taunted Sirius Black, looking thin but grinning all the same. "Or did Moony put you up to it?"

"Shut up," she said, grinning and embracing him tightly. "How are you feeling?" But before he could answer, another figure joined the midnight party.

Remus didn't say a word as he strode forward and embraced his friend, so tightly Auriga thought they'd never let go. "Don't ever do that again," warned Remus, sounding both angry and relieved.

Sirius shrugged as his friend released him. "No promises, mate," he said calmly. Remus didn't respond.

There was a great crashing sound as a figure tumbled down the stairs through the darkness. They leapt to their feet as Auriga hurried over to help them, pointing their wand to her chest. "I'm warning you, there's backup upstairs!" said Tonks, sounding angry and ready for battle. Sirius flicked a light switch, and they watched as Tonks relaxed.

"No, there isn't," said Sirius, a grin on his face.

"Oh," said Tonks, looking bright and hopeful. "Oh, thank Merlin, you're awake. How are you feeling?"

"Well I was fantastic until this one attacked me," said Sirius, tormenting Auriga. "I'm feeling great, really," he said. "Just aching a bit. Although, it was slightly terrifying when I woke up in a random house, I won't lie."

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