Chapter 32

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Auriga looked back around her. There was no other house in sight, aside from the tiny, run-down cottage that she was stood outside. She was in the middle of the North Yorkshire Moors, at about three in the morning, and the wind was messing up her hair terribly.

After visiting her parents, she'd gone straight back to Dumbledore to tell him what they'd said. He'd nodded, looking as disappointed as she felt (although she was far better at hiding it) and then given her a portkey for an hours time that would take her to a safehouse until 'the Order of the Phoenix' headquarters could be set up. That's where she was now, with a suitcase full of all her belongings. She hoped trusting Dumbledore had been the right choice.

Deciding she could postpone it no further, Auriga marched up the path to the front door and knocked three times. There was a shuffling behind it, and it flung open to reveal the rather handsome face of Sirius Black. Auriga scowled. Typical Dumbledore. "She's here, Moony!" Black called, stepping back to allow her into the tiny hallway, where she removed her cloak and hung it on the banister. Auriga wondered who Moony was. Peering round, she saw the cottage was very plainly decorated, and she felt a cool draught coming from somewhere. "He's just through here," said Black, heading through the door at the end of the corridor.

Auriga followed him through to the kitchen, where a tall man in shabby brown robes turned around, smiling at her. "Oh, Merlin's beard," she whined, "What are you doing here?"

"This is my house," said Lupin quietly, maintaining his smile.

"You two know each other?" asked Black, who now had his feet up on the sofa.

"No," said Auriga firmly.

At the same time, Lupin said, "We've met."

"Cool," said Black, looking as though he was enjoying himself. "Where'd you meet?"

This time, Auriga jumped in first. "The werewolf registration office." She put as much disgust into the word werewolf as she could. Lupin dropped his smile.

"You can sit down, you know," said Lupin, turning back to washing the dishes.

"I'd rather not," said Auriga, pretending to look around disdainfully. They might be on the same side now, but she was going to make it very clear that she was still far above him. "Where's my room?"

"Right," said Lupin with a sigh, "Upstairs, second door on your right. The bathroom's the one on the end."

"The bathroom?" Auriga repeated, "There's only one?"

"I can assure you it's very clean," said Lupin. Auriga very much doubted it.

"Merlin's beard," she muttered, before picking up her suitcase and carrying it upstairs. She was confronted with a landing with three doors leading off it. The second on the right revealed a small bedroom with a double bed in the centre of the far wall. Next to it were a bedside table and a small wooden chair. To her left was a tall chest of drawers, and there was a window in the left hand wall that gave a rather quaint view of the moors. It seemed that was the only nice thing about this place.

She sighed and unpacked her things before settling into bed. It was going to be along day at work tomorrow.


It was the following day and Auriga was filling in a report for the International Confederation of Wizards about the 'ongoing investigation' into Harry Potter's delusion when a lilac memo glided down and landed on the top of her inbox. She opened it up and skim read it. The Minister wanted to see her. Excellent.

She headed up via the lift, and soon found herself on the corridor that she had the night Black had escaped. Auriga tried to forget the fact that she had seen the fugitive  that very morning. This time, instead of heading into the conference room, she knocked lightly on Fudge's office door. "Come in," called Fudge's voice. She opened the door and stepped inside. "Ah, Auriga," said the Minister, "Do come in." She shut the door behind her. "Have a seat then." He seemed very happy, all things considered. "Tea?"

"No thank you, Sir," she said.

He nodded, pouring himself one, before folding his hands in front of him. "I thought you ought to know that I've just owled Dumbledore regarding the necessary action the Ministry will be taking."

"Very good, Sir," said Auriga, "What action might that be?"

"We'll be reviewing the syllabus, to begin," said Fudge, "Seriously looking into his staff appointments too, after last night. Did you know he'd had a werewolf teaching not a year ago?"

"I was aware of that, yes," said Auriga. She'd seen him that morning too. She briefly wondered if Fudge could smell the dog on her, but shook the thought from her mind. She certainly hoped not. "I'm sure the tighter measures you're taking will be very reassuring to the Diggorys."

Fudge smiled, which Auriga thought was rather insensitive. "Quite." He paused. "I've always liked you Auriga. So much potential, and it seems rather a shame to waste it. You've worked in the International Magical Office of Law?" he asked, referring to a file in front of him. "And as Head of Negotiations you've worked closely with the International Confederation of Wizards and the International Magical Trading Standards Body?"

"Yes, Sir," said Auriga.

"Well you certainly seem qualified for he job," said Fudge, closing up the file. Job? "I'm promoting you. To Head of the Department of International Magical Cooperation."

"Head?" Auriga repeated, unable to believe her ears.

"Head," confirmed Fudge, beaming at her. "And the youngest ever I believe. Now there's a few things that need doing. You'll need a new assistant for a start; I'm promoting Percy Weasley to my office. That is provided you'll accept?"

"Yes, Sir," said Auriga, astounded at her luck. "Thank you." She couldn't wait to tell her parents. And then, not a moment later, she realised she couldn't contact her parents, and her feeling of elation crumbled.

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