Chapter 58

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A chapter a day keeps covid away :)

It wasn't long before Auriga found Draco, sat in his usual spot by the smallest fountain in the gardens. As she flew down to land, she noticed he was reading a letter - or rather a bundle of letters. He looked up upon hearing her land on the gravel, and his mouth dropped open as he hastily stuffed the letters into his robes.

"You're using my broom?" he demanded with a frown.

"Shut up and give me a hug, squirt," she said with a tiny smile. Draco rushed forward and embraced her tightly and Auriga felt warmth rush through her chest. She wanted to be there forever and ever. But she couldn't. "We need to go," she said before climbing onto his Nimbus, with Draco flying this time.

"Where should I go?" he asked.

"Down there," Auriga told him over the sound of rushing air.

"You mean next to the dead body?" Draco asked, sounding very concerned that he might be next.

"She's not dead," said Auriga as they began their descent. I hope.

Once they'd landed, Auriga rushed forward and checked for a pulse. Thank Merlin. She revived her and Nymphadora opened her eyes with a start, peering round. "What?" she asked. "Where...what?"

"I've got him," said Auriga, helping Nymphadora to her feet. "Anything hurt?"

"Everything," admitted Nymphadora. "Wotcher, mini Malfoy. Do the others know?"

"Merlin's pants, I forgot," said Auriga.

"Lucky you," said Podmore as he limped towards them. Then, he placed his wand to his throat, "Cauldron cakes, let's go!" he announced, his voice echoing all over the grounds. The sounds of crashing increased inside and another window smashed next to them, with Sirius and Remus tumbling out onto the lawn.

"Did you see his face when I transfigured that door handle?" howled Sirius as Remus clambered to his feet.

"Yes it was very funny, Pads," said Remus, casting a quick glance at Auriga, who had been watching him the whole time as he gathered himself.

"What was funny?" she asked as they took off at a steady jog towards the broomsticks.

"I'll tell you later," said Remus, but the memory of it still played on his face in a smile.

"It bit his hand!" exclaimed Sirius, who was still teary-eyed with laughter and struggling to keep up.

"Over there!" came Shacklebolt's voice, and the group stopped to peer round. The trio were sprinting across the lawn and waving frantically at them.

"What?" called Nymphadora, frowning at them.

"Hurry up!" Weasley shouted at them.

A side door swung open, followed by a flurry of spells, both lethal and less-so. Two men burst out, followed shortly by Bellatrix, each of them displaying the nastiest spells they could muster. But none were as horrid as the look on the face of Augustus Carrow. His manic eyes alone were enough to root Auriga to the spot, and stop the world revolving.

For a moment Auriga was back in the drawing room of Malfoy Manor, all those years ago. Back when she was naive enough to think her life was perfect. What if she hadn't left on her wedding day? Where would she be now?

She was jolted from her trance-like state when a hand clamped around her arm and pulled her almost entirely off her feet. The person placed their other hand firmly on her back, pushing her forward, and she knew well enough that it was Remus. She was almost used to his touch by now.

Up ahead, Nymphadora and Moody were flying away after Sirius and Podmore on the comet and Draco on his broom. Auriga and Remus burst through the trees, which offered a momentary protection from the litter of spells. They continued their sprint, their feet falling heavily in the dirt trodden path, not even stopping when two others followed them through into the trees.

The brooms were laying in the same place, except now there were two, not four. "That's good," said Remus as he picked up Auriga's, "It means Vance and Jones got out too."

"Quickly, let's go!" said Shacklebolt as they caught up, and Auriga threw him an old nimbus model before climbing onto the back of hers. Remus kicked off, and they braced themselves for the scratches and bumps as they broke through the canopy. Once they were high in the air, Auriga began picking the leaves and stick from her hair.

"I wish you'd hold on," Remus called behind him.

"I know you would," Auriga retorted suggestively, and Bill Weasley burst into a fit of coughs from next to them. Thank Merlin Sirius hadn't been there. "Don't worry, I won't f-"

It was almost as if she'd jinxed it, because the next moment a stinging hex hit her shoulder, and she was nudged sideways. Auriga gasped and her heart flew to her throat as she lost her balance and slipped off.

The very next thing that happened, was registered as a sharp pain in Auriga's wrist as Remus grabbed it, still in control of the broomstick, but now descending a little. "Oh Merlin...oh Merlin's beard..."

"It's alright," came Remus's ever calm voice. "I've got you, don't worry, I won't let go-"

"I'm slipping! I'm going to fall!" cried Auriga, her words only just making it out her throat and her heart pounding harder than ever, almost as though it was trying to get it's beats in before she fell.

"No, you won't," Remus promised, and with unforeseen strength he pulled her up to be level with the broomstick. Auriga scrambled to get safely back on the back of it, but didn't once let go of his hand, and once she was firmly balanced, she wound her other arm around his chest and held on as tightly as she could. She felt her heart rate slow a little, but her stomach was still fluttering slightly. Whether that was from almost dying, or the chocolate and soap she could smell, Auriga wasn't sure.

Shortly after that they landed, and after deciding that Weasley and Shacklebolt had already disapparated, they made their way back to headquarters, Auriga still clutching onto Remus's hand as though her life still depended on it.

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