Chapter 99

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I knew A-level biology would be useful :)

Auriga woke up in the middle of the night, her stomach churning and jolting. As quickly as she could, she climbed out of bed and hurried to the bathroom, pulling her hair back just in time to throw up into the toilet bowl. She wretched again, more sick spraying onto the white ceramic, a horrible burning sensation in her throat. It drifted up into her nostrils, her sense of smell enhanced by the moon. It was enough to make her gag again, and she chucked up more of last night's dinner.

"Alright," said a sleepy and soothing voice, taking her hair in one hand and rubbing her back with the other. "It's alright."

Auriga threw up again and tried to take her hair back. "Go back to bed," she told Remus. "I can-" More orange chunks interrupted her. "I don't want to pass it on." She said quickly.

Remus sighed and sat down, still rubbing her back and forcing a smile at her. "You can't pass this on," he said, talking over the sound of her spewing. "It's the moon."

"Didn't do this last time," muttered Auriga with a frown, her head hanging over the edge of the toilet.

"That's because this time it's the Wolf Moon." What the ever-loving fuck was that? She shot him a quizzical look, not daring to open her mouth, and he nodded, still rubbing her back and propping his knees up for her to lean against. "I'll assume you don't know much muggle science, but biology is a subject that can come in very handy."

"I'll pretend you didn't just call me stupid," said Auriga, accepting a conjured glass of water from Remus.

"Well, do you know what a hormone is?" he asked her.

"That's Potter's friend's name," she joked, making him smile.

"It's how your body parts communicate with one another," Remus explained. "Because your a woman-" Auriga raised her eyebrows. "Lady," corrected Remus, "you've got different levels of certain hormones to me. The one that's making you sick now is called oestrogen."

"Don't you have that one?" asked Auriga with a frown.

Remus maintained his smile. "I do, but in smaller quantities, and it will do different things to my body than it will to yours."

"Like what?" she asked, a little jealous.

Remus looked a little awkward. "Let's just say that around this moon we won't be doing any active nighttime activities."

"Arthur and Molly will be overjoyed," said Auriga. "As am I."

"How very rude of you, Miss Malfoy," he scoffed, making Auriga smile.

"How do you know all this, anyway?" she asked. He certainly wasn't a female werewolf, and she hadn't been under the impression that he knew any other than her.

"Poppy Pomfrey mainly," said Remus. "She used to run all kinds of tests and record the data, trying to make it easier for me each month. I'm sure she'd be happy to help you. And when I was underground, I noticed one or two things too."

Auriga nodded. Once this war was over she was going to compile as much data as she could. That was what she did best after all. But she'd have to wait until Hogwarts was up and running again before she could speak to the matron. "My main concern," she said, eyeing the contents of her stomach. "Is if I keep this up over the next few days, that potion is definitely not going to work."

Remus visibly paled in the dull light. "It'll be fine," he promised, looking like he was reassuring himself more than anything. "Don't worry."


Auriga groaned, feeling the snow of the forest underneath her very cold, very exposed body. "Alright," said the voice of Remus, and she found herself being lifted up and wrapped in a cloak. She winced at a sharp pain in her side and peeled her eyes open. The sunlight streaming through the trees made her head pound, like she'd just had the cruciatus curse used on her. Her entire body twinged, feeling like her bones were being crushed at even the slightest pressure.

"I can walk," she muttered, just wanting to fall asleep and not wake up until it was over.

"Not with that lopsided ankle you can't," came Sirius's voice from in front. Auriga didn't laugh, but was aware of the throbbing of her ankle, feeling like a knife was being twisted around inside her.

She heard a door open, and the gasp of Molly Weasley. "P-Password?" she stammered and Auriga felt Remus stop as they stepped into the warmth. The door shut.

"Treacle Tart," said Sirius. They'd decided that instead of a question every time someone went out, a password was far more efficient.

"She needs some dittany and a blood replenisher," came Remus's voice. "And some antiseptic paste. I'll take her upstairs."

"Did the potion work?" asked Molly, apparently following them up. Auriga gasped at the pain in her side again as Remus shifted his grip on her to climb the stairs.

"It was like we predicted," said Remus. "She didn't absorb enough of it beforehand."

"I hope you're not referring to my prediction," mumbled Auriga, trying to make light of the situation.

"I will drop you," Remus retorted as they reached the top of the stairs. "Molly, could you-?"

"Oh, of course," said Molly, and Auriga listened as another door opened. Moments later she was being laid on her bed, wincing at the side.
She opened her eyes to see Remus, looking at her. He reached up and stroked her hair. He had a long, red scratch down his cheek, and dark circles round his eyes, along with a blood soaked tea towel pressed to his arm. His forehead was glistening, and his hair was stuck to it.

"Go and clean up," said Auriga, forcing a smile. "I'll be fine."

"Not a chance," said Remus with a chuckle as Molly left the room. "Let me see your foot."

"What happened?" asked Auriga wincing as he tapped it lightly. He nodded, ignoring her question, and flicked his wand. She let out a yelp as it clicked into place. He flicked his wand again, wrapping bandages around it to support the soft tissue healing.

"You don't remember anything?" he asked, pressing along her legs and feeling for more bruises, gashes and breakages. Auriga shook her head, which was still pounding. He sighed, gently moving the cloak back from her abdomen and inspecting her gash. "Well, you didn't chase your tail this time." He picked up a tin from the bedside table and began applying a purple paste to it. She flinched as it stung and burned, fizzing in the wound and turning green.

Blood of the Moon {Remus Lupin}Where stories live. Discover now