Chapter 26

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Lucky you's update time!!

It was six am. Auriga was stood in a muddy field, shivering, with her cloak pulled tightly around her, watching and forcing a smile as the first few groups of the day started to arrive for the Quidditch World cup. "You know," said Percy Weasley, Mr Crouch's new assistant, "You really shouldn't wear that cloak. It attracts attention from the muggles."

"Oh please," said Auriga, frowning at him in distaste, "They're oblivious. Don't notice a thing."

"Good to see you're showing Wallaby the ropes," said Crouch as he approached, rubbing his hands together. He peered around at the cloudy grey sky. "It's awful weather, isn't it?"

"It's freezing," said Auriga smiling at a five-year-old girl waving an Irish flag as she passed before quickly dropping back into her scowl. "I hate Quidditch."

 Weasley opened his mouth to say something, but Bagman tottered over before he could. "Now, now Auriga, lighten up," he said lightly, only to be met with three grumpy faces. The Department for International Magical Cooperation did not like Quidditch, the cold, or early mornings. Bagman quickly shut up.

"Well, Wetherby, you can go," said Crouch, checking his pocket watch, "I need to meet the Minister soon with the Bulgarian Ministry representatives, so Auriga you can stay onsite and help with any international visitors. Registration and things."

"I thought I was meeting the Bulgarian representatives?" Auriga asked, frowning more. What would she give to spend a few hours in a nice warm office?

"No, your Father requested that you remain onsite," Crouch explained. Of course he had. "I saw him this morning as I was patrolling." And he turned and left.

"Goodbye, sir," said Weasley, but Crouch had already disapparated.

"Well, the International Registration tent is just over here," Bagman began, but Auriga stopped him. She was not in the mood today.

"I know, Ludo," she said sharply, "I set up the event for you." And she swept off in that general direction.


 Auriga exchanged a bored glance with her mother as they sat in the top box, watching the Quidditch. They'd been playing for what felt like days, but it wouldn't have been so bad with the right people. Crouch had reserved two seats for him and his elf, and had elected not to show up. The Bulgarian and British Ministers were sat at the far side, so she couldn't discuss politics. And in front of her - directly in front of her - was the boy who lived. Sat with his mudblood friend and the Weasleys. Just looking at them made her blood boil. She would've happily discussed the match with Draco, but he was far too absorbed in it, as was her father, and they were sat between her and her mother.

 Finally, the Irish team caught the snitch, and the match was over, and she headed off to patrol the borders, having given her brother a quick goodbye hug, despite his protests. She headed away from the flow of the crowds and into the woods, pulling her cloak tightly around her and shivering as she stepped through the leafy shadows.

 She didn't see or hear another soul for hours. In fact, for a few moments at a time, Auriga wouldn't have been surprised if she were the last person alive. And then, when the moonlight was as dim through the canopy as it ever had been, there was the crack of a twig.

 Auriga whipped around looking for the source. But it was far too dark to see anything. Lumos. Her wand tip ignited, and she raised it high, squinting through the gloom and the tree trunks. Three footsteps came from the opposite direction, far behind her. Another pair joined them. And another. And another. Auriga swore she saw swishes of cloak hems around the trees.

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