Chapter 102

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I'm going to make you regret ever feeling emotions :)

"What are we doing in here?" asked Remus as Auriga led him into the music room. She pulled up an armchair next to the piano and he sat down in it, looking confused.

"This is your Valentine's present," said Auriga brightly, although secretly she felt very nervous. "I've written you a song."

"Oh, said Remus, blushing. "Thank you."

"You haven't heard it yet," scoffed Auriga, taking her seat at the piano. Auriga took a breath and placed her fingertips lightly on the keys. She took a look into Remus's eyes, who was watching her expectantly. His golden flecks were twinkling away. She smiled and began to play the harmonious melody, the notes sounding like silk in the air, just like his voice sounded to her.

She was still at the introduction when something odd began to happen. The room shifted, with everything disappearing except Auriga, Remus, and the piano. They watched the scene develop in front of them in awe, and Auriga played on.

They were in a scarlet dormitory, with three boys of about fourteen or fifteen gathered round and excited, in front of a fourth boy, who was thin and sickly. They grinned at him, before turning into a dog, a rat, and a deer. The fourth boy squealed in delight, his hands clasped in front of him, and wonder in his eyes.

The room shifted, and a very young Remus Lupin was stood in front of them, watching as a ginger witch and a man that looked just like Harry danced around in their wedding attire. "May I have this dance, Moony?" asked a young Sirius Black with a grin.

Remus smiled his familiar smile. "Absolutely not," he said with a grin, before pushing him into another young man with watery eyes.

The room changed again, and now they were in St Mungos. Young Remus was holding a wriggling bundle in his arms, looking down with unashamed wonder in his eyes. "Hello little Harry," he whispered, a permanent-looking smile on his face. "I'm your Uncle Moony."

Now they were in a shabby and broken old room, and present-day Remus was embracing Sirius tightly, looking like he never wanted to let go. Sirius was still in his Azkaban robes, and there were three very puzzled faces of Harry, Hermione, and Ron hanging in the background.

Auriga kept playing, and now they were in Remus's room at Grimmauld Place, with a stressed Sirius sat by Remus's bed. His face was bandaged up. "It was Malfoy, Moony," said Sirius. "She went against Dumbledore's orders, and burned the place to a crisp. Can you believe it?" Remus just smiled to himself, looking pleased.

The pace of the tune picked up, still light and airy, but now they were in Tonks's parents' sitting room, and Remus was in tears, hardly able to catch his breath. "What've I done?" he cried, as Sirius desperately attempted to console him.

They were at the Burrow, Auriga thought as she played, and under a marquee. A great silver wolf bounded to the centre of the dance floor and everyone rushed away, terrified. "Death Eaters at the Ministry," said her voice from the patronus, and Auriga saw panic flit across Remus's face. "Get out, they're- SHACKLEBOLT!" Her scream was tortured and terrified.

The patronus flickered and died, and terror dawned on the guest's faces as they realised they'd lost two of their own. Remus let out a great sob, drawing his wand and looking around desperately, his face damp and distraught. "Moony!" called Sirius, sprinting towards him in his dress robes. "Moony, mate, come on!"

"We need to get her!" cried Remus, his breaths quickening. "We can't leave her!"

"I'm sorry, Moons," said Sirius, sympathy and pity filling his eyes as he embraced his friend. "We can't help her now. She's gone." There was another cry as the music slowed again and they were in Sirius's room at Oakenmore Way.

"Come on, Pads," Remus whispered, clutching at Sirius's hands desperately. "Please don't leave me. I can't lose you too..." A few tears dropped down onto the bedsheets.

The music was coming to a close now, and the scene shifted to the war room, with Auriga playing the very same piano. Another tune played over the top of hers, and Remus, Sirius, and Tonks were dancing around while Auriga played the tune of 'Don't stop me now'.

"Don't stop me now!" cried Tonks and Sirius, bright grins on their faces.

"If you wanna have a good time," sang Remus into his wand, and leaning down to Auriga. "Just gimme a call!" He tickled her and she cried out a pure laugh of joy, a grin spreading across her face.

"Don't. Stop. Me. Now!" the three of them sang, lining up in front of the piano and facing the spectating crowd of Weasleys and Lee. "Cause I'm having a good time-"

"I don't want to stop at alllllllllll," Sirius finished as Auriga carried on playing. The scene faded out as present-day Auriga finished the song she'd composed, a state of shock overcoming her. She'd never seen magic like that!

Remus's face was damp with tears, and he wore a sad smile on his face. "That was beautiful," he said. "All of it."

"Come here, you big cry-baby," said Auriga, getting up and wrapping her arms around his neck. She kissed him lightly, and he kissed her back, his hands light and comfortably placed on her waist. "I love you," she whispered as they broke apart.

"I love you more," he said, resting his forehead against hers and listening to the silent crackle of the fire. "Can I show you something, too?" he asked, breaking away and drawing his wand. Auriga smiled at him, indicating to say yes.

He took a deep breath and closed his eyes, a small smile on his face. "Expecto Patronum," he said softly, and a wisp of silver shot from his wand. It unravelled to produce a large wolf, bounding through the room. Auriga's mouth dropped open.

"Is that why mine changed?" she whispered, feeling her eyes grow wide, unable to take her eyes off it.

"I think so," said Remus, stepping over and placing a hand on her shoulder.

"Bloody Sirius," muttered Auriga, remembering the night when she'd first discovered her new patronus. "Has he been playing matchmaker this whole time?"

Remus chuckled. "I believe the term is wingman," he said, looking down at her. Auriga beamed. "Although I do have a confession to make." She pulled away, looking expectantly at him. "I hate Valentine's day. Really hate it."

"Merlin," said Auriga giving him a playful shove and grinning. "Me too! I only did this because you were so bloody excited."

Remus looked relieved. "I only did it because you were excited," he said, letting out a small laugh. Auriga smiled and pulled him back into the embrace, closing her eyes and letting herself...just sit.

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