Chapter 61

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Happy reading :)

Song recommendation:
Be Alright - Dean Lewis

The kitchen fireplace of Grimmauld Place flared green, and McGonagall, Snape and Dumbledore stepped through. Auriga stopped her pacing behind Draco's chair and looked up, frowning at the curse that had found itself to Dumbledore's hand. But that was a problem for another time. Remus stepped forward from the corner he was stood in and placed his hand in its usual place on her shoulder. Sirius stood up from his seat opposite Harry, and Harry and Draco just looked up.

Snape and McGonagall looked slightly startled at seeing both Auriga and Remus in such close proximity, and Draco and Harry. But Dumbledore being his usual infuriating self let a faint smile cross his face. "I think everyone should take a seat," he said. Auriga flew into the chair next to Draco and Remus took the seat next to her. Sirius sat back down and Snape sat at the far end of the table. Dumbledore and McGonagall sat in the centre.

"Draco, would you like to explain, or should I?" Dumbledore said.

"You knew?" Auriga demanded. "You knew and you didn't tell me?"

"Professor Dumbledore thought it best that Draco tell you," said Snape.

"Well has anyone else been keeping secrets?" Auriga said, glaring around.

"I mean," Harry began, "I suspected..." but he fell quiet at a look from Sirius.

"He told me that I had to kill Professor Dumbledore," said Draco quietly, "Or he'd kill Mother and Father and you." Auriga realised this was directed at her.

"Mother and Father made their choice," said Auriga.

"I know that," Draco said. "But if I can help them-" He stopped when Harry let go of his hand, which went unnoticed by all but Auriga.

"My Mother's waiting for my Father to get out of Azkaban," said Auriga to no one in particular.

"Your Father had a life sentence," Sirius reminded her.

"He'll get out," she said, her confidence surprising her. "But that's not my point. My point is that my Mother's loyalties lie with us - with her family. Not He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named. When I was at Malfoy Manor she told me where Draco was, and then wiped my Aunt's memory. As far as I'm concerned, that's plenty of evidence."

The table was silent for a moment. "You're certain?" asked Snape.

Auriga shrugged. "By all means, check." She let down her occlumency barriers and not a moment later felt the intrusion of her mind. She pushed forward the memory of her recent encounter with her mother and then the connection was broken. Snape nodded stiffly.

"I'd rather you didn't do that in my house, Snivellus," said Sirius.

"Do what?" asked Remus with a frown.

"It was necessary, Black," sneered Snape, "Or maybe you hadn't noticed - there's a war going on. It would explain you complete inaction-"

"Thank you, Severus," said Dumbledore. "I believe we're done here, providing I have your word, Draco, that you will not be acting on those orders?"

Draco quickly shook his head. "No, Professor," he said, "Of course not." Auriga frowned at Draco. Clearly something was still bothering him. Was it Remus, or Harry, or Ron? Was it his mark? Hers?

"Professor Dumbledore?" said Auriga as he made his way to the fireplace. He looked up expectantly. "I hope I don't need to remind you why I joined the Order in the first place? And the lengths I will go to?"

Dumbledore's face darkened for a second, and his eyes flicked to Draco who was in hushed conversation with Harry. "You do not, Auriga," he said. "And rest assured, I will do my very best."


Auriga frowned as she woke up, looking round. She remembered waking up in the night, which was unusual for her, but even more unusual was Remus getting up earlier than her. Yes, he was an early riser, but she was an earlier one.

Yawning, Auriga quickly got dressed, before heading down for her morning coffee. She bid good morning to Hermione on her way down, and attempted to not think about the crashes coming from Fred and George's room. She was sure they'd moved out into their joke shop, so having them around never failed to make her nervous.

She arrived at the kitchen and bid good morning to Draco, before making her coffee and sitting down two seats up from Sirius, where he was making conversation with Mr Weasley. Auriga frowned and peered round.

Sirius quickly got up and left the room, ignoring Auriga's stare. She got up to follow him. Something was up. "Can I have that?" Draco asked indicating her untouched coffee.

"Yeah, go for it," she said, already halfway out the room. "Sirius!" Auriga called down the corridor. "Sirius!"

"I'm a bit busy at the minute, Auriga," Sirius said, quickening his pace. "I'll talk later."

"It's really important," Auriga persisted. But Sirius was still moving heading towards his room. Colloportus. His door swung shut and he turned to face Auriga, scowling. "Have you seen Remus?"

Sirius sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "He left this morning."

Auriga frowned further and her heart beat a little faster. "What do you mean he left? He's gone home?"

Sirius took a few steps towards her and looked round to check for eavesdroppers. "Dumbledore called by last night. He needed to talk to Remus. They spoke for ten minutes and the next thing I know he's packed a bag and left for a mission."

"He-he just left?" asked Auriga. "Where's he gone?"

Sirius just shrugged. "He wouldn't say. Just that it was important and we probably wouldn't hear from him for a few months."

"A few months?" Auriga exclaimed. "What takes-" She stopped as a sudden, horrid thought occurred to her. "You don't think he's the werewolves?"

Sirius grimaced - clearly this was exactly what he thought. "I'm sorry, Auriga. I really am. I tried to stop him-"

"He's not coming back is he?" she whispered to herself, her stomach looping, her palms sweating, tears pricking her eyes. "Oh, Merlin, he's not coming back!"

"You can't think like that!" said Sirius quickly. "We don't know where he's gone-"

"He didn't say goodbye!" Auriga cried, her face dampening more by the second.

"You would've stopped him going, you know that!" Sirius said, placing a reassuring hand on her arm.

"Then maybe he shouldn't have gone!" Sirius didn't argue with this, and it was clear he agreed. "Excuse me," she sniffed, pushing past him and up the stairs.

"Where are you going?" asked Sirius.

"I need to think," Auriga admitted. This was true, she did need to think. But Auriga was a quick-thinker, and she already had her solution. She closed the door firmly behind her and locked it, before sitting at her desk, quill poised.

Dear Minister Scrimgeour,

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