Chapter 51

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"That's it, Potter," said Auriga's father, stepping forward from the shadows. "Now hand over the prophecy."

"Where's Sirius?" asked Potter, and several of Auriga's fellow Death Eaters laughed

"The Dark Lord always knows!" said Bella from Auriga's side.

"Tell me where he is!" said Potter.

"Tell me where he is!" mimicked Auriga and Bella in unison, before laughing again at him.

"Now," said Auriga, stepping towards the group and in front of her father. "Hand over the prophecy, and none of you need come to any harm."

"Professor?" said some of the group at once. What were they talking about?

At the same time, a familiar-looking boy with blond hair and a pointed face said, "Auriga?"

"Enough!" said her father from behind her. Auriga took off her mask, letting her hair fall over her shoulders, and held it in her hand, wand poised.

"What are you talking about?" asked Auriga, frowning and looking to each of the astonished faces. The bushy haired girl hissed something to Potter that Auriga didn't quite catch.

"Auriga, if we don't get that Prophecy the Dark Lord will never forgive us!" said her father from behind her. That snapped Auriga back to the present and she lunged forward to grab the misty white orb. Potter pulled it out of reach, almost dropping it in the process. "That's quite enough, Auriga."

Auriga nodded and circled round the group while her father worked on getting Potter to hand over the prophecy. Each of the faces looked startlingly familiar, but she couldn't quite place them. "Auriga," said the blond boy, more urgently this time. She frowned at him, tilting her head and trying to read him. Who was he?

Getting more and more frustrated, Auriga snapped back to what her Father was saying. "...the Dark Lord said you were not unintelligent, Potter. In fact-"

"Now!" shouted Potter. The children threw their spells in any direction, but none of them seemed to hit Auriga. She sprinted in the direction of the two Weasleys and the two blond ones, with Bella and a few of their accomplices in tow.

"Avada Kedavra!" shouted Bella, unafraid of hitting any of them. The only one they were told not to kill was Potter himself. As far as they were concerned, the rest of them were at the Death Eaters' disposal.

"Have a little fun, Aunty," said Auriga with a grin as they skidded round a corner after the group of four, avoiding the falling prophecies that crashed down around them. "Crucio!" The blonde girl fell and cried out in pain, making Bella laugh. The two Weasleys skidded to a halt to help their friend, but the blond boy grabbed the Weasley girl by the upper arm and dragged her away, as the Weasley boy hauled the blonde girl back to her feet, just in time to dodge Bella's cruciatus curse.

They ran after the group through some of the rooms, Bella leading the way with Auriga close behind. "Reducto!" said Auriga, and she hit the Weasley girl in the ankle. She crumpled, and was picked up by her brother who was practically carrying her. Bella laughed again, high and shrill.

The next room had vats of odd coloured potions. One of the Death Eaters behind her knocked one over, and the Weasley brother threw his sister aside, where she regained her balance with the help of the blonde girl, and the pair ran through the next door, closely followed by three Death Eaters.

The Weasley boy yelped as the potion hit him full in the face. He became dizzy, and almost toppled over, when the blond boy grabbed him and dragged him away with a yell of, "shit!", firing successive stunners at both Bella and Auriga. "Ickle Draco, knows how to play!" mocked Bella as they followed after them. But when they reached the next room, they were gone, and the six doors showed no sign of anyone going through them.

Draco...where had Auriga heard that name before? It certainly rang a bell...

There was a sudden shout in the next room across, and Auriga followed Bella through to see all of the teenagers gathered there. A few others had had the same idea, and now the room was filled with people. Potter held the prophecy high above his head, and he and the blond haired boy ran from the room, abandoning the others. But the Death Eaters had their instructions: retrieve the prophecy. So they followed Potter and his friend from the room, and found them on a stone dias, surrounded by rows upon rows on stone seats.

Her father was in the centre, urging for Potter to hand over the Prophecy once more, or for Draco to do it. Both of the boys stood their ground though, at least until the chubby brown haired boy came stumbling into the room. Attempting to cast stunners. He was quickly restrained. "Neville Longbottom, is it?" asked Bella, stepping forward.

Auriga had heard that name too! "Do you know me, Longbottom?" asked Auriga with a frown. Bella and her father exchanged an odd glance.

"You're our defence professor!" exclaimed Longbottom.

"Nonsense," said Bella, laughing it off.

Auriga laughed too. "I've never been a professor in my life."

"Yeah?" challenged Potter. "What were you doing from September to December last year?"

"I..." Auriga stammered, "I was-"

"She was in Azkaban with me!" cried Bella. "Now, stop your lies, Longbottom and let's see how long you last. What d'you think?" she added to Auriga, who snapped out of her trance.

"Oh, no longer than a minute," said Auriga, grinning and tilting her head as she sized him up. "May I?"

"Professor!" protested Longbottom.

"Of course," said Bella.

"Crucio!" Longbottom cried out as Auriga's curse hit him. He shrieked and writhed and she and Bella laughed at the stupidity of his appearance.

"Give us the Prophecy, Potter!" said Lucius, raising his voice over Longbottom's screams. And he would've done just that, had a door far above them not burst open. Yet more familiar faces hurried in - five of them in fact, Nymphadora Tonks included. But before they could so much as take in the room, they were being fired upon, first by Auriga and Bella, and shortly after by the others.

Potter and Draco bolted towards Longbottom, who'd been abandoned on the floor, and Auriga dove after them. "Avada Kedavra!" she shrieked at Draco who was quickly shoved aside by Potter as they reached their friend. "Give me that Prophecy, Potter!" she demanded. They ran as fast as they could, which it turned out, wasn't very fast.

"Diffindo!" She hit Longbottom in the leg and he fell again, blood spurting everywhere as he was dragged onward by Potter. Draco turned to face her.

"Listen to me, Auriga!" he said, dodging her cruciatus curse. "This isn't you!" He quite adeptly blocked her various duelling curses, which she was mainly using for a bit of fun. Finally, she hit him with a cruciatus curse, and he fell to his knees, drawing Potter's attention once more. "And I'll do it again!" she called. "Accio proph-" It began to slip from his fingertips, but a heavy figure barrelled into Auriga's side.

She righted herself and saw her father engaging with the three of them. Good - he'd be able to get it from them. A spell shot past her ear and she turned, furious. It had been quite a harmless one, but it was more the principle of it. "Avada kedavra!"

"Bloody hell, Malfoy," said the caster, and Auriga recognised him as Sirius Black. He began firing stunners and full-body-binds her way, while she just laughed at him and blocked them while firing a few more lethal curses his way.

"Swap me!" demanded Bella, as their duels came within metres of each other.

"You're on!" said Auriga, and the two turned to face their new opponents, perfectly synchronised and having the time of their lives. "Oh," said Auriga in surprised as she faced her pink-haired cousin. "Hello, Nymphadora."

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