Chapter 98

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It was the evening of Christmas Day, and it was fair to say that the residents of six, Oakenmore Way had made their way through a large amount of mead. Molly had made a fantastic lunch, though a little unorthodox. They couldn't find Christmas pudding, so they'd had ice cream instead, and the turkey had been replaced with bacon. But Auriga wasn't complaining; Molly was a fantastic cook. Much better than she was.

She was now sat at her piano, tickling the keys in a beautiful composition that drifted throughout the room. She remembered learning this in the summer between her third and fourth year. Remus, Sirius, Tonks, and Arthur had brought some dining chairs through, or conjured armchairs. "Maybe we should move it into one of the living rooms," suggested Tonks, shifting uncomfortably in her chair. Auriga agreed - the table was getting in the way a little. And they hardly needed a soundtrack when they were planning the best way to kill Death Eaters.

"Or," said Remus from his seat near the piano. "We could convert one of the attic rooms into a music room. Nobody's using them anyway."

Auriga got so excited she almost slipped on a key. "Really?" she said, looking around for approval.

Sirius shrugged and Tonks nodded. "Don't see why not," said Arthur nonchalantly.

"Oh, I dread to think what they're doing up there," said Molly, walking in with a wary glance at the ceiling. "Unsupervised."

Remus and Auriga chuckled. "I'm sure our adult children are fine, Molly," said Arthur, offering her a dining chair that he'd brought through.

Auriga finished the last note of the song, looking up at Remus with a smile. "Beautiful," he said quietly, and Auriga (who would once have turned her nose up at such a comment) beamed at him.

"It really is, dear," said Molly. Auriga opened her mouth up to thank her, but Molly wasn't finished. "I wonder if I could ask you to play something for me?"

"Of course," said Auriga. "What song?"

"Oh anything by Celestina Warbeck really," said Molly. Auriga's heart fell, and her chest felt like it was caving in as she was forcefully reminded of her father. She used to play for him all the time. And now she never would. Her smile, which moments ago had been genuine, now felt plastered and fake.

"Absolutely," said Auriga, feeling slightly ill, and Molly clapped her hands together with delight, before pulling Arthur up to dance. Auriga steadied herself with a breath and cleared her throat, before staring down at the keys and beginning to play. It was an upbeat, jazzy tune, and she jogged her knee up and down to keep the rhythm.

"I've got a cauldron," she sang. "Full of heart strong love, and it's bubbling for you!" Molly and Arthur danced around, nothing but pure joy on their faces. Auriga was horridly reminded of her father pulling her mother up to dance while Auriga played. Her mother, always reluctant, but by the end of the song she'd always smile. Would Auriga ever see that smile again?

"Oh, come and stir my cauldron," sang Auriga, a few tears trickling down her face at the memories that were streaming to the forefront of her mind. Auriga shook her head and continued playing, focusing on the music. She poured her emotion into the song, her playing becoming more aggressive.

"It's all the magic you'll ever need!" she sang, keeping her head down as the keys became damp. But not once did she slip up on a note, the music like muscle memory. She could play this song in her sleep. Being her father's favourite, she'd had plenty of practice.

Auriga finished the song, with an aggressive and triumphant smashing of the keys. She was breathless, and her heart was pounding, and she couldn't stop the bloody tears. The room was silent, aside from Auriga's muffled sobs. She didn't dare look up.

"Au-Auriga?" asked a very hesitant Tonks. Auriga finally looked up, her face and neck completely damp, feeling like the most miserable cow in the world. It was Christmas! But really, she'd give anything just to have her father back.

Arthur and Molly had stopped dancing, and now stood in the middle of the room, Arthur looking like he didn't know what to do, and Molly was confused and sympathetic. She gave a look to Remus as Auriga cried harder and covered her face with her hands.

Auriga found Remus's arms around her, and she fell into them, inhaling his sweet smell. He smelled especially of chocolate today, presumably because he'd indulged himself so much. "H-he's gone!" she cried, and he rubbed circles on her back soothingly, seemingly unbothered by Auriga getting her tears and her snot on his jumper sleeve. "H-He's not coming back! Why would he do that?"

"I know," said Remus, planting a kiss on her head. "I know."

"Why?" cried Auriga, hearing Arthur and Molly take their seats. "What if Draco...or mother-?" A sudden horrid thought occurred to her. She pulled away from Remus, holding him in front of her and stifling her sobs. "Y-you wouldn't?" asked Auriga, her heart thundering in her chest.

"N-no," stammered Remus.

His hesitancy only made Auriga more upset. "You can't just leave me, Remus!" she said, raising her voice as more tears fell. "You can't leave! I need you!"

"I'm not leaving!" Remus promised quickly. "I won't...I would never, ever leave you, Auriga." Auriga nodded, calming a little at his words, and letting him hold her as she stared into the fire.

"Auriga?" came the hesitant voice of Sirius Black. "Did...your father, did he...listen Celestina Warbeck?" He had a concealed mischief in his eyes, like he was trying not to laugh.

Auriga did laugh, sniffing as she nodded. "Yes, he did," she said, fondly recalling the Halloween she'd been forced to listen to her concert. "She was his favourite. I learned that song for his birthday."

"Well," said Molly, folding her hands in front of her. "He certainly had excellent taste."

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