Chapter 97

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Let's have a bit more wholesome warfare :)

Auriga awoke and was surprised to find the bed empty next to her. It had been a week since Gringotts, and she was feeling much better after Molly supplied her with some dittany. She sat up, peering round and wondering if Remus was just getting dressed, but no. She looked at her watch; it was seven in the morning, her usual time. What was Remus doing up before her? And on Christmas Day, no less.

She quickly showered and dressed, before heading downstairs to the wonderful smell of pancakes. "Happy Christmas!" she said cheerily to the crowd at the kitchen table. Already up was Molly, Sirius, Remus, Arthur and George. She received a chorus back, and she went over to quickly kiss Remus before grabbing some coffee. "What are you doing up so early, then?" Auriga asked Sirius with a frown. It was one thing to see Remus up before her, and quite another to see Sirius up too.

"It's Christmas!" cried Sirius, looking like he may wet himself.

"And we're all stuck inside," Auriga pointed out. "We were lucky to get those decorations from the Burrow." They peered round at the random baubles dotted around. They hadn't managed to get a tree, so an insistent Tonks had just stuck them wherever she could reach.

"Oh stop being such a mardy-pants," said Fred as he walked in and took a seat next to his father. Auriga raised her eyebrows at him. "Professor," he added, making Remus and Arthur laugh.

It wasn't long before Tonks and Lee made their way downstairs, with exactly sixty seconds between them. Auriga grinned, but apparently she was the only one that noticed, with everyone else engaged in the festivities. "Oh, Merlin, Remus," said Molly, removing her apron. "I can't wait much longer!" Auriga frowned - what was she talking about?

"OK then," said Remus, getting up and offering his hand to Auriga. "This way," he said.

"What?" asked Auriga, smiling and standing up obediently.

"It's your Christmas present!" squealed Tonks excitedly, as everyone else followed them from the kitchen.

"I thought we weren't doing presents!" exclaimed Auriga, smiling nonetheless and biting her lip. Remus covered her eyes with his hands and guided her through to the war room.

"Well," said Remus. "This is more a present to everyone." Auriga scanned her mind, wondering what on earth it could be. If it was for everyone, why was it her surprise?

She listened intently as there was a scuffle and everybody filed in. "Ready?" asked Remus, sounding excited himself.

"Yes, yes!" said Auriga, feeling herself grin stupidly as she clapped her hands together. Remus removed his hands and Auriga saw it. In the corner was a grand black piano. With Sirius laid out on top. That had been the scuffle then.

Auriga gasped and rushed forward, reaching out to touch the polished wood. There were beautiful floral carvings and engravings up the sides, and it had clawed feet. She looked around at everyone, who were smiling at her. "Oh my goodness, thank you!" she said quickly, rushing back to Remus and standing in her top toes to give him a kiss on the cheek.

"Sirius helped," Remus explained, blushing as he did. How charming.

"It was my mother's," said Sirius, climbing off the top. "So we figured, perfect for you. Very Slytherin."

"Very Slytherin," Auriga agreed, unable to wipe the smile off her face.

There was a pause as she gazed at it in admiration. "Play something, then," said Tonks impatiently.

"Ooh," said Sirius. "Wait here." They watched as he darted from the room, hearing a pounding up the stairs, a door open, a few cupboards slam, another door slam, and footsteps back down the stairs. He reappeared looking breathless and excited, presenting Auriga with a book of sheet music. "Could you play one of these?"

Auriga took the book and flicked through. It was titled, 'Queen,' whatever that was. Like the muggle leader? She wasn't sure. But the songs looked beautiful, and complex enough to interest her. "Of course," she said. "Which one?"

"Well," said Sirius, with a knowing glance at Remus. "I was thinking this one-" he pointed to a page titled, 'Don't Stop Me Now'. "-But I'll need help from my dear old pal Moony."

"Absolutely not," said Remus, folding his arms.

"I'll do it!" said Tonks enthusiastically.

Auriga looked to Sirius, who just looked at her in a way that said, 'just you watch'. Auriga sat down at the piano, lifted the top, and placed the music down. "Ready?" she asked Sirius. He nodded.

"Tonight," Sirius began, singing to Remus as Auriga began to play the slow and gentle melody. "I'm gonna have myself a real good time."

"I feel ali-ha-ha-hive," Tonks carried on, using her wand as a mock microphone.

"And the world, is turning inside out, yeah," they sang together, getting closer to Remus. Auriga couldn't stop grinning. "And floating around, in ecstasyyyy. So, don't. Stop. Me. Now." The pace of the song continued at its pace, and Remus looked sheepish as Sirius wiggled his eyebrows. "Don't stop me-"

"Cause I'm having a good time," Remus sang, giving into the the pressure and making Auriga laugh.

"Having a good time!" They all cried together as Auriga picked up the beat of the song, the pace quickening. They danced around, singing and taking it in turns, while the Weasleys and Lee danced around too.

"-I'm having a ball!" sang Tonks as Remus made his way over to Auriga, who was smiling widely as she carried on playing. She had thought she may be rusty, but no, she was managing, and hugely enjoying herself.

"If you wanna have a good time," sang Remus to Auriga, leaning over her shoulder. "Just gimme a call!" He tickled her sides, making her squeal out with laughter as she played, before giving her a peck on the cheek and re-joining the fray.

"I wanna make a supersonic woman of you!" Auriga laughed as Sirius pulled Molly in to dance with them, the tune changing once again. He then climbed onto the table, wobbling a little, and crying, "Hey! Hey! Hey!"

"Don't stop me, don't stop me!"

"Having a good time, good time!" sang Sirius, before launching himself from the table. Auriga silently thanked Merlin that she was not a Gryffindor boy, who would have to put up with that daily. Molly and Arthur clapped enthusiastically as Auriga made it through the instrumental, and the twins looked very impressed.

"I don't want to stop at alllllllll," sang Sirius, and Auriga finished up the song with a beautiful tune, her fingers dancing around the keys. She couldn't remember the last time she had that much fun.

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